Yogis and common people

144 Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds

Part of an ongoing series of teachings based on Shantideva’s classic text, Bodhisattvacharyavatara, often translated as Engaging in the Bodhisattva’s Deeds. Additional texts referred to include the outline of the commentary by Gyaltsab Dharma Rinchen and the commentary by the Abbot Dragpa Gyaltsen.

  • Review of verse 1
  • Selflessness of persons and selflessness of phenomena
  • The four tenet schools and the three turnings of the wheel
  • Review of verse 2
  • The ladder of the four tenet philosophical systems
  • Verse 3: The understanding of yogis and common people
  • Questions and answers
    • How does logic and reasoning help us understand selflessness?

144 Yogis and common people (download)

Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal)

Geshe Tenzin Chodrak (Dadul Namgyal) is a prominent scholar who earned a Geshe Lharampa degree in Buddhism and Philosophy from Drepung Monastic University in 1992. He also holds a Master’s degree in English Literature from Panjab University in Chandigarh, India. Author of several books on Buddhism, Geshe Tenzin Chodrak was also professor of Philosophy at Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies in Varanasi, India for seven years. In addition, he has been the Spiritual Director of Losel Shedrup Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center, Knoxville, USA. Due to his facility in both Tibetan and English, he is interpreter and speaker for numerous conferences exploring the interface of Buddhism with modern science, Western philosophy, and psychology and other religious traditions on both a national and international level. Geshela’s language ability has also enabled him to serve as an auxiliary language translator for His Holiness and Dalai Lama throughout the world. As a published author and translator, Geshela’s credits include a Tibetan translation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Power of Compassion, a language manual, Learn English through Tibetan, and a critical work on Tsongkhapa’s Speech of Gold. Geshela lived and worked at Drepung Loseling Monastery in Atlanta, Georgia, where he prepared a six-year curriculum in Modern Science to be used in Tibetan monasteries and nunneries. Geshe Tenzin Chodrak is also on the Sravasti Abbey Advisory Board.

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