Making Offerings

How to set up an altar and make offerings as part of our practice of generosity.

All Posts in Making Offerings

Making Offerings

The Gift of Offering Service

Offering service is our chance to give something of value to the Three Jewels.

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Making Offerings

The privilege of making offerings

How to think while making offerings and the meaning of making the eight offerings to…

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Making Offerings

Generating wealth

The antidote to feeling poor is generosity, might it be in material or in immaterial…

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Making Offerings

Taking down offerings

The third of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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Making Offerings

Water bowl offering

The second of three talks about how to set up an altar at home covers…

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Making Offerings

How to set up an altar

The first of three talks about how to set up an altar at home explains…

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Bodhanath Stupa in Nepal
Making Offerings

The extensive offering practice

A beautiful text describing how to make offerings, composed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche.

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Stupas at Kopan Monastery, Nepal
Making Offerings

Explanation of the extensive offering practice

An explanation of the symbolism of the extensive offerings practice; imagining vast offerings in order…

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