


生起想要修持佛法的慈悲心。 尋求圓滿覺悟的心。 (攝影者 塞巴斯蒂安維爾茨)



注意背部、肩膀、胸部和手臂的感覺。 有些人將緊張情緒儲存在肩膀上; 如果你是他們中的一員,我發現將你的肩膀抬高到你的耳朵,將你的下巴稍微收起,讓你的肩膀突然下垂非常有幫助。 你可以這樣做幾次,這有助於放鬆肩膀。

注意頸部、下巴和麵部的感覺。 人們把緊張壓在下巴上。 他們咬緊牙關。 如果您是這些人中的一員,那麼讓您的下巴和所有面部肌肉放鬆。

請注意,您的位置 身體 是堅定,也是踏實。 請注意,堅定和放鬆可以並存。

這就是我們準備的方式 身體; now let’s prepare the mind. We do this by cultivating our motivation. Begin by asking yourself, “What was my motivation for coming here this evening?” There’s no right or wrong answer, just be inquisitive. “What was my motivation for coming? Why did I come here tonight?” (pause)

現在,無論您最初的反應是什麼,讓我們以此為基礎。 讓我們把它變成一個非常廣闊的動機。 認為通過對自己的努力 冥想 和分享佛法,我們將能夠更好地服務和利益他人。

生起想要修持佛法的慈悲心。 尋求圓滿開悟的心。 我們這樣做是為了我們自己的利益,也是為了每一位有情眾生的利益。 這就是我們想要產生的動力。 (暫停)

現在將注意力轉移到呼吸上。 正常而自然地呼吸。 覺知每一次吸氣和呼氣。 注意你的身體正在發生什麼 身體 以及您的想法。 如果您被某種感覺、想法或聲音分散了注意力,只需意識到這一點,然後將您的注意力重新轉移到呼吸上。 通過專注於一個對象,在這種情況下是呼吸,我們讓我們的思想安定下來。 我們讓我們的心變得平和。

當你呼吸時,讓自己滿足於坐在這裡呼吸。 你所做的已經足夠好了。 滿足於現在發生的事情。 對現在發生的事情感到滿意。 只需這樣做幾分鐘。 保持沉默 冥想 正念呼吸。 (鐘)



我從一開始就開始培養動力 冥想. 這是我們佛教修行中非常重要的一部分。 我們行為的長期影響,即我們所做的這種業力種子,很大程度上取決於我們的動機。 意識到我們的動機可以增加我們對自己的了解。 有意識地培養對他人的愛、同情和利他主義的動機,有助於我們與自己成為朋友。

我們必須審視我們的心。 我們的動機是什麼? 我們的情緒是什麼? 我們的想法是什麼? 我們內心發生了什麼? 我們的思想產生了動力。 心有了動力,嘴巴就動了, 身體 動作。 刻意培養良好的發心是佛教修行的重要組成部分。

這是我第一次接觸佛法時真正吸引我的地方。 它把我放在我自己面前。 我無法通過試圖看起來不錯來擺脫困境。 你可以隨心所欲地打扮得漂亮,隨心所欲地給人留下深刻印象,但讓他們對你有好感並不意味著你在創造美德 因果報應. 操縱他人讓他們為你做某事並不意味著你正在將良好的能量投入你的思想流中。 恰恰相反:我們只為自己的快樂而尋找的動機現在在我們的思想流中播下了負面的業力種子。

我們的動機和意圖是在我們的思想流中留下業力種子的原因。 這不是別人對我們的看法; 不是他們對我們的評價; 而不是我們是否受到表揚或指責。 我們自己的內心和思想中發生的事情決定了我們在思想流中播下的業力種子的類型。

One example I like to give is someone is building a clinic in a poor neighborhood. They’re collecting donations to build this clinic. There’s somebody who is really rich and they give a million dollars. The thought in their mind when they give the million dollars is, “My business is going really well. I’m going to give this million dollars. When they build the clinic, in the foyer where you walk in, they’ll have a plaque with my name. I’ll be chief benefactor.” That is their motivation.

There’s somebody else. They don’t have much money, so they give ten dollars. Their motivation, the thought in their mind is, “It’s fantastic that there’s going to be a clinic here. May everyone who comes to this clinic be instantly healed from all of their diseases and ailments. May they abide in happiness.”

We have one guy giving a million dollars with one motivation and another guy giving ten dollars with a different motivation. In general society, who do we say is the generous person? The one who gives a million dollars, right? That person gets so much credit and everyone goes, “Ah, look at so and so, how generous he is and how kind he was.” They make a big deal out of that person and the person who gave ten dollars, everybody just ignores.

當你看看他們的動機時,誰是慷慨的? 就是那個給了十塊錢的。 捐出百萬美元的人慷慨大方嗎? 從他的動機來看,有沒有大度? 不,這傢伙這樣做完全是為了他自己的利益; 他這樣做是為了在社區中獲得地位。 他出來的時候在人們眼中看起來很好,每個人都認為他很慷慨。 但就其而言 因果報應 他創造了,這不是一個慷慨的舉動。

在佛法修行中,我們必須誠實地面對自己。 佛法就像一面鏡子,我們看著自己。 我在想什麼? 我的意圖是什麼? 我的動機是什麼? 這種對我們自己思想和心靈運作的調查是在我們身上產生真正變化的原因。 這帶來了實際的心理 純化. 成為一個有靈性的人並不是要做看起來很靈性的事情,而是要真正地轉變我們的思想。


The majority of the time we are totally unaware of our motivations; people live on automatic. They get up in the morning, eat breakfast, go to work, have lunch, work some more in the afternoon, have dinner, read a book, watch TV, talk with friends, and collapse into bed. There went a whole day! What was the motivation underlying all that? They have such incredible potential, human intelligence and the human rebirth. What was the person’s motivation for everything they did? They probably had motivations for what they did, but they weren’t aware of their motivation. When they went to breakfast their motivation was probably, “I’m hungry and I want to eat.” Then they ate with that motivation. Maybe the motivation switched after a few bites and became “I’m eating because I want pleasure.”

當我們早上醒來時,我們過這一天的動力是什麼? 早上讓我們起床的想法是什麼? 我們醒來,我們的第一個想法是什麼? 我們的動機是什麼? 當我們醒來時,我們在生活中尋求什麼?

We roll over and we think, “Ugh, that alarm, that bell again! I want to stay in bed.” Then we think, “Coffee, oh coffee, that sounds good, some pleasure. I’ll get out of bed for coffee, breakfast. To get pleasure, I can get out of bed.” Many of our motivations are seeking pleasure, something to make us feel good ASAP. If somebody gets in our way when we’re trying to get some pleasure, we get mad and take it out on them, “You’re interfering with my pleasure! You’re preventing me from getting what I want! How dare you!!” These thoughts of ill will and malice put karmic seeds in our mindstream. These thoughts motivate us to speak harshly or behave aggressively. That creates more 因果報應. 作為創造的人 因果報應,我們也是體驗自己行動結果的人。

我們早上醒來後立即尋求自己的快樂。 這就是人生的意義或目的嗎? 好像意義不大吧? 我們只是尋求快樂,幫助我們的朋友,傷害我們的敵人。 如果人們給我們帶來快樂,他們就是我們的朋友; 如果有人妨礙我們,他們就是我們的敵人。

狗就是這樣想的。 狗做什麼? 如果你給他一塊餅乾,它就會把你當成終生朋友。 你給那隻狗一點快樂,現在他愛你了。 如果你不給他餅乾,他會認為你是敵人,因為你剝奪了他的快樂。

The mind grasps onto pleasure. It gets upset when someone interferes with our pleasure. Our slogan is “I want what I want when I want it!” and we expect the world to cooperate. We make friends and help them because they do things that benefit us. We get upset when people do things we don’t like; we call them enemies and want to harm them. This is how most people live.


從佛教的角度來看,我們擁有比僅僅尋求快樂和對乾擾它的人生氣更大的人類潛能。 這不是生活的意義或目的。

由於所有這些樂趣都很快結束,貪婪地追逐它們或如果有人妨礙我們進行報復有什麼用呢? 吃早餐的樂趣能持續多久? 這取決於你是吃得快還是吃得慢,但不管怎樣,它不會持續超過半小時就結束了。

我們為了快樂而四處奔波,但這種快樂不會持續很長時間。 我們做所有這些事情都是為了獲得良好的體驗,我們會報復那些阻礙我們良好體驗的人。 但這些經歷持續的時間很短。 與此同時,我們的動機在我們的腦海中留下了負面的業力印記。 當我們在嫉妒、敵意和怨恨的影響下行動時,就會在我們的腦海中種下業力種子。

這些種子會影響我們未來的經歷。 這些種子成熟並影響我們遇到的情況以及我們是快樂還是痛苦。 有時種子在今生成熟,有時在來世成熟。

It’s ironic that even though we want happiness, we create the causes for unhappiness when we act motivated by the self-centered thought, “My happiness now is the most important thing in the world.” Whenever we act with a selfish and greedy mind, we’re putting that energy into our consciousness. Is the selfish and greedy mind relaxed and peaceful? Or is it tight and 執著?

說我們擁有不可思議的人類潛能。 那 潛力使我們成為完全開明的人。 開悟的眾生對你來說可能看起來很抽象。 成為一個完全開悟的人意味著什麼?

一個完全開悟的人的品質之一或 是的種子 憤怒 和怨恨已從思想流中完全消除,永遠不會再出現。 甚至連潛力都沒有的感覺會怎樣 憤怒 或心中的仇恨? 你能想像那會是什麼感覺嗎? 想一想:無論別人對你說什麼,無論別人對你做什麼,你的心都是平靜的。 你平靜地接受正在發生的事情,並對對方有同情心。 沒有可能 憤怒,仇恨或怨恨產生。

When I think about that I go, “Wow!” 憤怒 對很多人來說是個大問題。 再也不會生氣不是很好嗎? 這不是因為你在塞 憤怒 下來,但因為你完全沒有種子 憤怒 在你的腦海。

另一種品質 是那個 對任何事物都感到滿意。 一個 沒有貪婪,沒有佔有欲, 執著, ,或任何其他附件。 想像一下完全滿足會是什麼樣子。 不管你和誰在一起或發生了什麼事,你的頭腦都不會渴望更多更好的東西。 你的頭腦會對當下的事情感到滿意。

How different that would be from our present state of mind. I don’t know about you, but my mind is continually saying, “I want more! I want better! I like this. I don’t like that. Do it this way and don’t do it that way.” In other words, my mind loves to complain. What a pain in the neck that mind is.

當我們想到一個 的品質,我們了解我們的潛力。 有可能完全擺脫 , dissatisfaction, and hostility. We also have the potential to develop equal love and compassion for every living being. This means that anytime you meet anybody, your instant reaction would be one of closeness, affection, and care for that person. Think about that, wouldn’t it be great to have that be your automatic reaction to everyone? It’d be so different from how our out-of-control mind acts now. Now when we meet somebody, what’s our first reaction? We ask ourselves, “What can I get out of them? or “What are they going to try to get out of me?” There is a lot of fear and distrust in our reactions. Those are the thoughts in the mind. They’re only conceptual thoughts, but they sure create a lot of pain inside of us. Aren’t fear and distrust painful?

能夠以開放的心向遇到的每一個人打招呼——即使是在監獄裡——會是什麼樣子? 擁有一顆對每個人都立即感到友善和親近的心是什麼感覺? 如果你能看到一個你平時無法忍受的討厭的守衛並且平靜下來,那該有多好! 能看透他的內心,對他生出一種親切感和親情感,不是很好嗎? 這樣做我們不會失去任何東西。 相反,我們會獲得很多內心的平靜。 不要立即告訴自己這是不可能的。 相反,試著少評判,試著對別人更愉快。 嘗試一下,看看會發生什麼,不僅會影響您內心的幸福感,還會影響其他人如何對待您。

我們內心擁有如此不可思議的潛力。 我們有能力以這種方式轉變我們的思想,成為一個完全開悟的人 . Now that we’ve seen our human potential, we should want to live our lives in a very meaningful way. Now can you see how just looking out for “my pleasure ASAP” and getting “my way as much as possible” can be a dead end? It’s a waste of time, not because it’s bad, but because it doesn’t make much sense to put so much time and energy into doing things that bring such little happiness? Instead we see we have great human potential for magnificent happiness that comes from purifying our own mind and developing a kind heart. We’d prefer big happiness to small happiness, wouldn’t we? We’d prefer long-lasting happiness or peace to a quick fix that left us feeling empty afterwards, wouldn’t we? Then let’s have confidence in our potential to follow the path and become an enlightened being, and let’s act on that confidence by being more respectful and kinder to others. Let’s develop that confidence by studying the 的教誨,增長我們的智慧。


不過,現在的頭腦非常外向。 我們相信幸福和痛苦來自我們之外。 這是迷惑的心態。 我們假設幸福來自外部,所以我們想要這個,我們想要那個。 我們總是想得到一些東西; 一個人想要抽煙,另一個人想要芝士蛋糕,但每個人都想要不同的東西。 但歸根結底,我們是在自己之外尋找幸福。 我們最終在精神上終生坐在這裡 執著 我們認為會帶給我們快樂的東西。 我們中的一些人試圖控制我們周圍的世界,讓每個人和每件事都成為我們想要的樣子,這樣我們才能快樂。 那有用嗎? 有沒有人成功地讓世界和世界上的每個人都符合他的想法? 不,沒有人能夠成功地控制每一件事和每一個人。

We keep trying to make other people what we want them to be. After all, we know how they should be, don’t we? We have really good advice to offer all of them. We all have a little advice for everyone else, don’t we? We know exactly how our friends could improve so that we could be happy, how our parents could change, how our kids could change. We have advice for everyone! Sometimes we give them our wonderful and sage advice, and what do they do? Nothing! They don’t listen to us when we know the truth of how they should live and what they should do and how they should change so that the world would be different and we’ll be happy. When we give others our wonderful and wise advice about how they should live their lives, what do they say to us? “Mind your own business,” and that’s if they are being nice. When they are not being polite, well, you know what they say. Here we offered them our wonderful advice and they just disregard it. Can you imagine? Such stupid people!

當然,當他們給我們建議時,我們會聽嗎? 忘了它。 他們不知道他們在說什麼。

這種認為幸福和痛苦來自外在的世界觀使我們處於不斷嘗試重新安排每個人和所有事物以使其成為我們想要的方式的境地。 我們永遠不會成功。 我們見過任何人成功地讓世界成為他們想要的樣子嗎? 想想你真正嫉妒的人——他們有沒有成功地把世界變成他們想要的樣子? 他們是否通過得到他們想要的一切找到了任何一種持久的幸福? 他們沒有,是嗎?

我們看著別人的生活,我們覺得我們的生活中缺少一些東西。 這來自這些 意見 相信幸福和痛苦來自外部。 這些 意見 讓我們嘗試重新安排每一個人和每一件事。 但我們缺少的是內心,因為我們快樂和痛苦的真正來源不是其他人。 我們快樂和痛苦的真正來源是我們內心發生的事情。 你有沒有和合適的人一起在一個美麗的地方並且非常痛苦? 我想我們大多數人都曾有過這樣的經歷。 我們終於發現自己處於美好的境地,但我們完全悲慘。 這是一個完美的例子,說明快樂和痛苦並非來自外界。

只要我們心中有種子 執著、無明和敵意,我們永遠不會找到任何一種永久或持久的幸福,因為這些情緒總是會不斷地生起和乾擾。 我們所要做的就是看看我們的生活,我們可以看到這一直是故事。 不管你是在監獄裡還是在外面,這都是我們所有人內心正在發生的事情。

說其實苦樂不在外。 他們更依賴於內心——依賴於你自己的內心和思想中正在發生的事情。 你如何看待這種情況將決定你是快樂還是痛苦。 那是因為真正的快樂來自內心。

We’ve all had the experience of going into a room of strangers. Think of a time when you’ve had to do that. Your thought process before going into that room is, “Oooo, there are all these people in there and I don’t know them. I don’t know if I’m going to fit in. I don’t now if they’re going to like me. I don’t know if I’m going to like them. They’re all probably judgmental. I bet they all know each other and they’re all friends with each other, and I’m going to be the only person that nobody knows. They’re going to leave me out, and it’s going to be horrible in there.” If you think like that before you go into that room full of strangers, what is your experience going to be? It is going to be a self-fulfilling prophecy; you are going to feel left out, like the odd person out. The entire incident happens in the way it does because of they way you’re thinking.

Now let’s say that before you go into that room full of strangers, you think, “Well, there’s all these people that I don’t know. I bet they have really interesting life experiences. Most likely they have a lot of stories and experiences I could learn from. It’s going to be really interesting going in and meeting all these people. I’m going to really enjoy it. I get to ask them questions about their interests, their lives, and what they know about. I’m going to learn a lot, and it’ll be fun!” If you go into that room full of strangers with that thought, what’s your experience going to be? You’re going to have a great time. The situation hasn’t changed at all, the situation is exactly the same, but our experience has changed dramatically! All of this is because of what we are thinking.

When I was a teenager, I hated it when my mother told me what to wear. Why? She was infringing on my independence. “I am an independent person; I can make up my own mind. I can do what I like. Don’t tell me what to do, thank you very much. I’m sixteen years old and I know everything.” With this attitude, I, of course, was upset with my mother when she told me what to do. Every time she suggested I wear something, I would growl; it wasn’t a happy situation for either of us.

Years later, when I was an adult, my parents were having some friends over. At breakfast, with my sister, sister-in-law and mother, my mom says to me “Oh why don’t you wear this and such when the company comes this evening?” I said “Okay.” My sister and sister-in-law came to me afterwards and said, “We can’t believe you were so cool with what she did, and we can’t believe that she did that!” I said, “Why not wear what she suggested? It makes her happy and I don’t have any trip with it.”

Here you can see the difference in my mind in those years. When I was younger, my mind framed anything they said to me as, “They don’t trust me, they don’t respect me. They’re infringing on my autonomy and independence, they’re bossing me around.” I was defensive and resistant. When I was older and more confident, they could say the exact same thing to me, but my mind didn’t perceive it in the same way. I just thought that their friends were coming over; it will make them happy, and let’s make someone happy. You see the difference? The situation was exactly the same, but what was different was my own mind.

當我們真正深刻地理解我們的思想如何創造我們的體驗時,我們就會發現我們實際上有很大的力量來控制我們自己的體驗。 我們擁有權力,不是通過讓其他人做我們想做的事,也不是通過讓其他事情成為我們希望他們成為的樣子。 相反,我們有能力通過改變我們內心發生的事情來控制我們的經歷。


這就是寬恕的用武之地,而且非常重要。 我們在生活中都經歷過傷害和傷害。 我們或許可以坐下來,不假思索地列出一份清單,列出我們所經歷的傷害、傷害、不公正和不公平。 我們可以很容易地談論它,它就在那裡。 我們有很多行李隨身攜帶 憤怒,怨恨,幾十年的恩怨。 有時,我們會變得尖刻或憤世嫉俗。 有時我認為這就是為什麼老年人如此彎腰——不僅僅是因為他們的骨頭,而是因為他們承受了太多的心理負擔。 他們走到哪裡都帶著怨恨和苦毒,不管和誰在一起。 那隻是頭腦中正在發生的事情。 然而,重要的是要知道有可能放下所有這些,因為所有這些都是由頭腦創造的。 這根本不是客觀現實。

Thus forgiveness is important to heal our own anguish. What is forgiveness? Forgiveness is nothing more than our thinking, “I’m not going to be angry about this anymore. I’m going to let go of my pain, I’m going to let go of my 憤怒.” Forgiveness doesn’t mean that what the other person did is okay. They did what they did. They had their intentions; they planted karmic seeds in their own mind. Forgiveness is just our saying, “I care about myself and I want myself to be happy, so I’m going to stop carrying around the baggage of all this hurt, resentment, and 憤怒

寬恕不是我們為別人做的事;而是我們為別人做的事。 這是我們為自己做的事情。 寬恕是讓我們的心非常平和、平靜的好方法。 我們這些冥想了一段時間的人可以記住很多 冥想 sessions where we’re sitting there meditating in a safe place with people that we like. Then we remember something that happened 15 years ago, and the inner dialogue begins, “I can’t believe it. That idiot, that jerk, he had the nerve to do that, unbelievable! I was so pissed off and I still am!” We sit there and ruminate about it, “He did this and then he did that. Then this happened and I was so hurt and it was so unfair and I can’t, grrrrrrrrr!”

然後突然間你聽到鈴聲結束了 冥想 session. We open our eyes and go, “Oh! Where was I during that 冥想 session? I was drowning in my perceived fantasies of the past.” The past is only an appearance to our conceptual mind, our memory. What happened in the past isn’t happening now. That person did what they did. Where are they now? Are they doing anything to us right now? No, we’re sitting here, we’re perfectly okay, nobody is doing anything to us, but boy, did we get furious. Where was that 憤怒 來自(哪裡? 有時我們會想起過去發生的事情——有人說了一些非常尖刻的話,或者我們真正關心的人離開了我們——我們感到這種巨大的傷害。 但是那個人現在在哪裡? 他們不在我們面前。 現在哪裡是這種情況? 沒了! 它是不存在的! 現在只是我們的想法。 我們所記得的以及我們如何向自己描述過去可能會讓我們非常憤怒,而無需任何人對我們做任何事情。 我們都有過這樣的經歷。 痛苦、痛苦和 憤怒 不是從外面來的,因為對方不在這裡,現在也沒有發生這種情況。 產生這些感覺是因為我們的思想迷失在對過去的預測和解釋中。

So forgiveness is just saying, “I’m tired of doing this. I’ve run that video of my life in my mind countless times. I’ve run it and re-run it. I know the ending and I’m bored with this video.” We press the stop button. We put it down and get on with our life instead of staying stuck in the past with so many painful emotions. The past is not happening now.

這就是為什麼我說寬恕對我們自己的心靈是如此清新和治愈。 寬恕並不意味著那個人所做的是好的,它只是意味著我們正在放下它。 我們擁有這種令人難以置信的人類潛能,如此驚人的人類內在美,我們決定不浪費它來充實我們的思想 憤怒,怨恨,傷害。 我們有更重要、更有價值的事情要做,因此寬恕是如此重要。

Sometimes our mind says, “Well, how can I forgive this person after all they did to me? They really wanted to hurt me.” Here we’re pretending to be able to read others’ minds and to know their motivation. “They wanted to hurt me. It was deliberate. They woke up that morning wanting to hurt me. I know it!” Is that true? Can we read minds? Do we know their motivation? In fact, we have no idea of their intention. We have to admit that actually, we have no idea why they did what they did that we didn’t like.

Our mind thinks, “Well, if they did do it with a negative motivation, my 憤怒 is justified.” Is that true? If someone had a negative motivation and hurt you, is your 憤怒 有道理嗎? 他們可以擁有他們想要的所有消極動機。 為什麼我們需要對他們生氣? 我們認為有人這樣做了,我們唯一可能的反應就是恨他們並對他們生氣。 真的嗎? 我們唯一可能的回應是 憤怒 還是恨? 當然不是! 這完全是幻覺。

七年級時發生了一件讓我憤怒地堅持了多年的事情。 我的家庭背景是少數宗教,我是猶太人長大的。 七年級時,有一個人——我確定有一天我會見到他,我從來不知道他發生了什麼事——彼得·阿梅塔發表了一些反猶太言論。 我站起來跑出了教室。 我開始哭,去洗手間哭了一整天。 當有人侮辱你時,我認為那是你應該做的。 你應該生氣,你應該生氣到哭。 我認為這就是你應該如何回應的方式,這是當有人發表殘酷言論時唯一的回應方式。 因為 Peter Armetta 說的話,我在學校的洗手間裡哭了一整天。 那件事之後,儘管我們一起讀完了高中和大學的一部分,但我再也沒有和他說過話。 對他來說,我就像一堵冷硬的牆,因為當有人不尊重我時,我認為那是我應該做的。 多年來,我的 憤怒 就像我心中的一把刀。

但是,人們可以說他們想說的; 這並不意味著它是真的。 我不必感到被侮辱; 我不必將他們的行為視為不尊重。 即使有人發表這樣的評論,我仍然對自己感覺良好。 我不需要向任何人證明自己。 為什麼要打擾我自己的頭腦,因為有人說了這樣的話而變得不正常? 彼得沒有讓我生氣; 我以某種方式解釋他的所作所為並堅持下去,這讓我自己很生氣。


我們可以選擇如何回應事物。 我們可以選擇自己的情緒。 我們的許多 冥想 實踐旨在幫助我們審視這些情緒並辨別哪些是不現實或有益的,然後讓它們消失。 通過這種方式,我們培養了一種更現實和有益的情況觀。

How else could I have seen Peter Armetta?—I’m waiting someday to give a talk and Peter Armetta will raise his hand say, “Here I am.” I’m also waiting for Rosie Knox to come to one of my talks. Did any of you read my article in 三輪車? They asked me to write an article about gossip, so I began the article by apologizing to Rosie Knox for all the mean things I said about her in sixth grade. I’m waiting for a letter to come from Rosie Knox saying. “I read your letter, and it took you forty years to apologize to me.”

即使有人說了殘忍、卑鄙的話,而且他們是故意這麼做的,我為什麼要生氣? 如果我看那個人的內心,他的內心到底在想什麼? 一個說刻薄話的人心裡在想什麼? 那個人快樂嗎? 不,我們能理解那個人的痛苦嗎? 我們能理解他們不開心嗎? 忘記我們是否喜歡他們。 這是一個不快樂的生物。 我們知道不快樂是什麼感覺; 我們能理解他們的不幸,就像一個生命體對另一個生命體一樣嗎? 我們可以做到,不是嗎? 當我們因為知道自己的不幸而能夠理解別人的不幸時,我們就能對他們產生慈悲心。 然後,我們不會因為他們的所作所為而憎恨他們,而是希望他們從內心的痛苦中解脫出來,這種痛苦使他們做出了我們不喜歡的事情。 我們可以慈悲地看著傷害我們的人,希望他們遠離痛苦。

與仇恨相比,同情是對我們不喜歡的人或我們的敵人更恰當的回應。 如果我們討厭某人,我們就會做很多卑鄙的事情。 這對另一個人有什麼影響? 它勾選了他們,不是嗎? 他們因我們的所作所為而受到傷害; 他們生氣了,所以他們對我們做了更多卑鄙的事情。 我們認為,當我們討厭某人並嚴厲打擊他們時,這會給我們帶來快樂。 報復會讓我們的生活更幸福嗎? 它沒有。 為什麼不? 因為當我們對某人刻薄和下流時,他們會以善意回應。 然後我們必須處理那個人對我們做更多我們不喜歡的事情。 懷恨在心並不能使我們快樂。 它實際上帶來了我們不想要的結果。

When we look into the heart of someone who is doing things that we don’t like and we see that they’re doing that because they’re unhappy, doesn’t it make more sense to wish that person was happy? If they were happy, if they had a peaceful mind, if they were content inside, then they wouldn’t be doing the thing that they’re doing that we find so objectionable. Think about somebody who really hurt you and recognize that they did what they did because they were in pain. They were confused and in pain. How do you know? Because people only do mean things when they’re unhappy, when they’re in pain. People don’t act cruelly when they’re happy. Whatever somebody did that we find to be so painful, they did because of their own confusion and their own unhappiness. No one wakes up in the morning and thinks, “I’m so happy today; I think I’ll go hurt someone.” They only act in harmful ways when their own unhappiness overwhelms them and they mistakenly think that doing that action will remove their misery.

如果他們快樂,那不是很好嗎? 豈不妙哉? 因為如果他們快樂,那麼他們就不會做他們正在做的事情。 他們不會有煩惱的心,所以他們不會在那個煩惱的心的驅使下說話或做事。 你看,即使為了我們自己的利益,希望我們的敵人快樂也更有意義。

這並不意味著我們希望他們得到他們想要的一切,因為很多人想要的東西對他們不利。 這並不意味著如果奧薩馬·本·拉登想要武器,我們就希望他擁有更多傷害他人的武器。 那不是慈悲,那是愚蠢。

慈悲,希望某人遠離痛苦,愛,希望他們快樂,並不意味著我們一定要他們擁​​有他們想要的東西。 人們有時會非常困惑,想要的東西對他們或其他任何人都不利。 我們可以看著奧薩馬·本·拉登,看到他內心的痛苦,並希望他擺脫那種痛苦。 無論他內心的痛苦是什麼引起了他的仇恨,如果他能從中解脫不是很好嗎? 如果他有一顆平靜的心,那不是很好嗎? 這樣一來,他就不必為了快樂而糊塗地去傷害任何人了。 那不是很好嗎?

當我們反復以這種方式思考並將其融入我們的冥想時,我們發現慈悲是比仇恨更合適的對傷害的反應。 我確實在我的老師身上看到了這一點,尤其是在 HH 達賴喇嘛.

尊者於1935年出生,1950年年僅十五歲即位為第十四世 達賴喇嘛,因為藏人信任他,希望他擔任國家的政治領導。 西藏人與中國共產黨有很多問題,所以他在 XNUMX 歲時就成為了他的國家的領導人。 想一想:記得你十五歲時在做什麼。 如果您肩負著管理國家和保護他人的責任,您會有什麼感受? 相當了不起。

1959 年,當他 XNUMX 歲時,發生了一場反對中國共產黨的起義,尊者不得不偽裝成一名士兵,在天氣非常寒冷的三月偷偷溜出他的住所,翻越喜馬拉雅山脈。 他越過喜馬拉雅山脈進入印度,成為一名難民。 西藏非常寒冷,所以那裡沒有很多病毒和細菌。 相比之下,印度平原炎熱,充滿了致病的病毒和細菌。 他在這裡,二十四歲,是一名難民。 此外,他還要幫助其他數以萬計的西藏難民。

I remember seeing a video of a reporter from the L.A. Times interviewing His Holiness. She said to him, “You’ve been a refugee since you were twenty-four and there’s been genocide and ecological devastation in your country. You haven’t been able to go back home and the communist government continually calls you negative names.” She listed many of the hardships His Holiness had experienced and was still experiencing. Then she looked at him and said, “But you’re not angry, and you continually tell the Tibetan people not to hate the Communist Chinese for what they did to Tibet. How can you not be angry?”

Imagine someone saying that to Yassar Arafat or any other leader of a displaced people! What would he have done? He would have taken the mike and really used the opportunity to blame the others! “Yes, they did this and they did that. It’s unfair, we are unjustly victimized. Grrrrrr!” That’s what any leader of oppressed people would have said, but that’s not what His Holiness did.

When the reporter said, “How come you’re not angry?” His Holiness leaned back and said, “What good does it do to be angry? If I were angry, it doesn’t free any of the Tibetan people. It doesn’t stop the harm that is going on. It would just keep me from sleeping. My 憤怒 會讓我無法享受美食; 這會讓我很痛苦。 什麼積極的結果可能 憤怒 bring me?” This reporter looked at His Holiness with her jaw agape, totally blown away.

How could somebody say this with such total sincerity? I’ve lived in Dharamsala and have heard His Holiness repeatedly say to the Tibetan people, “Do not hate the Chinese Communists for what they did to our country.” He has compassion, he’s not angry. But he doesn’t say that the Communist regime is fine, that what they did is okay. He doesn’t say, “Fine. You occupied my country and killed a million people, come and do it again.” No, he opposes the oppression in Tibet and directly states what the injustice is. He speaks and tries to draw the world’s attention to the plight of the Tibetan people. He opposes injustice in a completely non-violent way.

同情傷害我們的人並放下 憤怒 is much better for ourselves and others than holding onto a grudge and seeking revenge. We can still say that something is wrong, that world attention must be brought to a situation, and that improvement and resolution is needed. Compassion doesn’t mean we become the world’s doormat. Some people have the wrong idea about compassion, thinking it means being passive. For example, if a woman is being beaten by her husband or boy friend, compassion does not mean she thinks, “Whatever you did was fine. You beat me up yesterday, but I forgive you so you can beat me up again today.” No, that’s not compassion. That’s stupidity. His beating her is not okay. She can have compassion for him and at the same time she must take steps to stop further abuse.

慈悲意味著我們希望某人從痛苦和痛苦的因中解脫。 這並不意味著我們說他們所做的一切都是好的。 這並不意味著如果他們想要有害的東西,我們就會給他們想要的東西。 慈悲心帶來的清晰度可以讓我們在需要自信的時候變得非常自信。 耐心並不意味著你翻身哼著歌,它意味著當你面臨傷害或痛苦時,你能夠保持冷靜。 與其讓你的心被傷害淹沒, 憤怒, or self-pity, you remain calm and clear mentally. That gives you the ability to look at the situation and consider, “What is the best way to approach this? How can I act in a way that will be most effective for everyone involved in this situation?” Compassion and patience may not be the way the world looks at things, but it’s nice not to look at things the way most people do, especially if their way causes more suffering.



聽眾: 有時痛苦的回憶會非常強烈。 我不是選擇去想過去發生的事情,而是它只是出現在我的腦海裡,我覺得我又被困在了這種情況的中間。 就好像一切都在重演,許多舊情又重現。 我不明白髮生了什麼或如何處理它。

尊者圖登卓龍(VTC): We’ve all had that happen. It’s not something that can be repressed and it’s not something we can necessarily make go away quickly. When this happens we have to sit there with it and keep breathing. Remind yourself that the situation is not happening now. Try to press the stop button on the thoughts so that you don’t get lost in them. When strong memories come up, our mind is telling us a narrative; it’s describing the event in a certain way, it’s looking at the event from a particular perspective, “This situation is going to destroy me. It is terrible. I’m worthless. I did the wrong thing and don’t deserve to be happy.” That narrative is not true. We usually get trapped in the story, so it’s helpful to just focus on your breath, focus on physical sensations, and observe the emotion itself. What does that emotion feel like? Make sure not to get involved in the story that your mind is telling you. That story isn’t true. The event is not happening now. You are not a bad person. If you just observe the feeling in the mind and observe the feeling in the 身體,那麼無論它是什麼都會自動改變。 這是一切生起的本質; 它改變並消失。

我們有很多這些痛苦的情況。 它們就像您無法刪除的計算機文件。 我發現非常有幫助的一件事是,當我不在這種情況下並且沒有陷入情緒之中時,有意識地記住其中一種情況並練習以不同的方式看待它。 嘗試使用其中一種解毒劑 被教導要處理任何出現的情緒。 今晚我談到了這些解毒劑中的一些——看待情況的不同方式,所以記住並實踐它們。 另請閱讀寂天的 一個指南 菩薩的生活方式 或者我的書 正與 憤怒. 裡面有很多技巧。 為了展示我們今晚談到的一個,這裡有一個例子。

假設我坐在 冥想,我想起幾年前背叛我信任的人; 一個我真正信任的人,他們轉身在背後捅了我一刀。 一個我從沒想過會那樣做的人轉身傷害了我。 我坐在裡面 冥想 並且知道我可以很容易地再次給自己講述這個故事——他做了這個,他做了那個,我很受傷——但後來我想:不,那個故事不是真的。 那個人很痛苦,那個人其實並沒有傷害我的意思。 雖然那一刻他似乎確實想要傷害我,但實際上發生的事情是他被自己的痛苦所淹沒,被他的精神痛苦所控制。 他的所作所為與我並沒有多大關係。 他所做的是表達他自己的痛苦和困惑。 如果不是被這些情緒壓垮,他也不會做出那樣的舉動。

We know that this is the case for us whenever we’ve betrayed someone else’s trust. Or maybe there’s someone here who has never betrayed another’s trust before? Come on, we all have at one time or another! When we look in our own mind after we’ve betrayed somebody’s trust, we usually feel horrible about it. We think, “How could I ever have said that to this person I love so much?” Then we realize, “Wow! I was in pain and I was confused. I didn’t really understand what I was doing. I thought that by acting in that way I would release my own internal suffering, but boy, I didn’t! That was the wrong thing to do. I hurt someone I care about and even though apologizing is hard on my ego, I want and need to make amends.”

When we understand the confused emotions and thought processes inside of us that prompted us to betray someone else’s trust, we know that when others betray our trust, it’s because they were under the influence of similar emotions and thoughts. They were overcome by their own pain and confusion. It wasn’t that they really hated us or really wanted to hurt us, it’s that they were so confused they thought that doing or saying whatever they did was going to relieve their stress and pain. They would have acted in that way to whoever was in front of them at that moment because they were stuck in their own story. When we understand this about them, we can say, “Wow! They’re hurting.” We then let go of our own hurt and 憤怒 讓我們心中升起對他們的同情心,因為我們知道他們的行為真的與我們無關。

要解決其中一些情況——尤其是那些我們的思想長期陷入負面情緒的情況——我們需要這樣做 冥想 反复。 我們需要用一種新的看待事物的方式來熟悉我們的思想。 我們必須重新訓練我們的思想並建立新的情緒習慣。 我們需要花費一些時間和精力; 但如果我們投入時間並付出努力,我們一定會體驗到結果。 因果運作,如果你創造了因,你就會體驗到果。 如果你不創造因,你就不會得到那個果。 真正修行,才有可能改變; 我可以根據個人經驗這麼說。 我離成佛還有很遠的距離,但我可以說,與幾年前相比,我現在能夠更好地處理生活中的許多痛苦事情。 我已經能夠放下很多 憤怒 只需通過反复練習這些冥想。

當你反復開始以不同的方式看待以前的痛苦或壓力情況時,它會在你下次遇到類似情況時有所幫助。 然後,我們的思想不會陷入相同的舊情緒習慣,我們將能夠調用另一種看待情況的方式來記住並練習它。 我們會記住它,因為我們已經熟悉了那個新的視角 冥想.

這是另一個例子。 我正在參加我的一位老師帶領的靜修會。 那裡的一位修女喜歡插花 供品 在祭壇上。 她樂在其中; 她會設計美麗的花朵 供品 在附近的神社上 的形象和我們老師附近。 但她無法在整個閉關期間留下來,所以提前離開了。 她離開後的一天,在我離開的那一天結束時 冥想 hall to walk back to my room, another person joined me. She says to me, “Ven. Ingrid left and nobody is taking care of the flowers. It’s the nuns’ responsibility to take care of the flowers and now all the flowers have wilted and look so ugly and disarrayed since Ingrid left. The nuns are being disrespectful to our teacher because they’re not taking care of the flowers.” She is going on and on about this. Inside of me, I’m going, “I don’t remember a rule saying that the nuns had to take care of the flowers. Are you trying to guilt-trip me? Yes, you are guilt-tripping me. But you’re not going to succeed. No way! I’m not going to care for the flowers just because you’re saying that!” I’m getting pretty worked up about this. I didn’t show it on the outside, but inside, I was getting really mad. As she goes on and on with this guilt trip, I’m getting madder and madder.

A little background on this retreat: My teacher doesn’t let us sleep very much—sessions last late into the night and begin early in the morning, so we’re all sleep-deprived. The conversation with this other retreatant is going on as we’re walking to our rooms to go to sleep. The problem is that when you’re angry you can’t go to sleep. Suddenly the thought came to my mind, “Aw! If I keep on being angry, I’m not going to get to sleep and I really cherish my few hours of sleep. So I’ve got to let go of this 憤怒 because I really want to go to sleep!” So I said to myself, “This is just her opinion. I don’t need to get mad at her. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I don’t need to be so reactive when someone’s opinion differs from mine. The flowers look okay to me. If they were really bad I would do something, but they looked fine to me. I’ll check tomorrow and if they look bad, I’ll take care of them.” In that I just let the whole situation go and I got some sleep that night!

After practicing looking at things in a different way when you’re not in the situation, it becomes easier to catch yourself in the situation and not get angry. Here’s a story about when Ven. Robina and I had a problem. I don’t know if she remembers it. It was during the same retreat. I had been talking to another nun about a topic and during the break time, we asked our teacher about it. After that, Ven. Robina came up to me and said, “Why did you ask that ridiculous question? You already know what he thinks. Just because you don’t agree, why do you need to keep harping on it?” Well, I don’t like being talked to that way. I’m getting mad and the bell rings for us to come back into the 冥想 hall. I felt misunderstood. I had asked a sincere question to our teacher and my mind was saying, “It wasn’t her business! She wasn’t supposed to be listening to that conversation.” I didn’t know what she was getting riled up about but I was sure getting angry.

Then I thought, “Where am I ever going to go in this world where everybody is going to understand me?” I’ve been misunderstood many times in the past; this is not the first time that somebody has misunderstood me and blamed me for something I didn’t do. It’s not the first time, and it’s not going to be the last time either. This is samsara—this is cyclic existence—and these kinds of misunderstandings happen all the time. It’s sure to happen again. Somebody else will misunderstand me and criticize me. Someone will accuse me of a wrong motivation when I didn’t have one. This is just the nature of our life in cyclic existence, so why should I bother getting angry about it? What good is 憤怒 going to do for me or anyone else? There is already enough suffering in cyclic existence, why should I get angry and increase it? So I said to myself, “Let’s just chill out, Chodron, and relax because there’s nothing worth getting upset about here.” Thinking in this way helped me to let go of the 憤怒. 好的是我們是朋友,我不認為發生了什麼事對她不利。 相反,她給了我一個好故事!

過去一些痛苦的事件一直困擾著我很長一段時間,但我發現如果我不斷地應用冥想和解毒劑,最終我就能讓它們消失。 當我們不再堅持我們頭腦中編造的虛假故事時,內心就會平靜很多。

這是另一個故事。 1980年代初期,老師派我到意大利佛法中心工作。 我是一個非常獨立的女性,在佛法中心獲得了權威職位。 我手下的人都是有男子氣概的意大利僧侶。 你知道當你把有男子氣概的意大利僧侶和一個對他們有權威的獨立美國女人放在一起時會發生什麼嗎? 你有靠近洛斯阿拉莫斯的東西! 僧侶們對這種情況很不高興,他們毫不猶豫地告訴我這一點。 由於思想不受控制,我對他們非常生氣。

我在意大利待了二十一個月。 有一次我寫信給 喇嘛 Yeshe, the teacher who sent me there, and said, “喇嘛,拜託,我可以離開嗎? 這些人讓我製造了太多負面情緒 因果報應!“ 喇嘛 wrote back and said, “We’ll talk about it when I’m there. I’ll be there in six months.”

最後我離開了意大利回到了印度,在那裡我閉關了幾個月。 我做了四個 冥想 每天和幾乎每一次 冥想 會議我會想到男子氣概的男人並生氣。 我只是對他們所做的一切感到憤怒:他們取笑我,他們取笑我,他們不聽我說的話,他們做了這個,他們做了那個。 我很生氣 冥想 一次又一次的會議,但我只是一直在使用解毒劑 一個指南 菩薩的生活方式. 慢慢地,我的心開始平靜下來。

我只是一次又一次地使用解毒劑。 我讓自己平靜下來 冥想 會議並休息了。 但是下一節課,當我再次想到這個人做了什麼,那個人做了什麼時,我又生氣了。 於是再修煉解藥,讓自己冷靜下來。 這段經歷告訴我,如果我堅持不懈並繼續使用這些解毒劑——通常包括重新構建我看待情況的方式並以更現實的方式思考情況——就會取得進步。 漸漸地發生了轉變,我能夠放下 憤怒 快一點。 然後 憤怒 並沒有那麼緊張,最後,我能夠對整件事感到放鬆。 與...合作 憤怒 是在多年後寫成的,因為那些意大利人的好意讓我熟悉了這些冥想。

我們為什么生氣? 通常是因為我們要么受傷要么害怕。 這兩種情緒是我們的基礎 憤怒. 我們的傷害和恐懼背後隱藏著什麼? 經常是 附件, 特別是如果我們真的 執著 對某人、某事或我們的想法。 假設我們依戀一個人,想要他們的認可、愛、感情和讚美。 我們希望他們對我們有好感,對我們說好話。 如果他們不這樣做並且他們說了一些不當的話,我們會很受傷。 我們感到被背叛和脆弱。 我們不喜歡因為感到無能為力而感到受傷或害怕,而無能為力的感覺真的很不舒服。 頭腦做了什麼來分散我們對這些感覺的注意力並恢復擁有權力的幻覺? 它創建 憤怒. 當我們生氣時,腎上腺素開始飆升,我們有一種非常虛假的力量感,因為 身體 充滿活力。 這 憤怒 gives us the feeling, “I have power, I can do something about it. I’ll fix them!” This is make-believe. 憤怒 won’t fix the situation; it only makes it worse. It’s as if we were thinking, “I’ll be so mad at them that they’ll regret what they did and love me.” Is that true? When people are mad at us and say nasty things, do we love them in return? No! It’s just the opposite; we want to stay away from them. Similarly, that’s how the other person will react to my 憤怒. 這不會讓他們覺得與我親近; 它只會把他們推開。

在那種情況下,我 執著,我想要一些客氣話或接受某人,但他們沒有給我我想要的東西。 如果我能承認並釋放 附件,我會看到自己已經是一個完整的人了,不管對方是喜歡我還是不喜歡我,是誇我還是責備我,是讚成我還是不贊成我。 如果我對自己感覺良好,我就不會那麼依賴別人的想法,然後我就能放下 附件 並停止感到受傷。 當我不再抓住傷害並為此責備他們時,就再也沒有了 憤怒.

A lot of hurt feelings come because we don’t feel totally sure of ourselves and we’re wanting somebody else’s approval or praise so that we can feel good about ourselves. This is a normal human thing. However, if we learn to evaluate our own actions and motivations, we won’t be so dependent on other people telling us if we’re good or bad. What do other people know? Remember the example I gave at the beginning of the talk about the guy who gave a million dollars to the charity. Everybody will say, “Oh you’re so good, you’re such a wonderful person!” What do they know? He had a crummy motivation. He wasn’t generous at all, even though he was getting praised.

與其依賴他人和他們對我們的評價,我們需要審視自己的行為,反省自己的言論,審視自己的動機:我這樣做是不是出於善意? 我是誠實和誠實的嗎? 我是在試圖操縱某人還是試圖矇騙他們的眼睛? 我是否自私並試圖支配他們? 我們需要學會誠實地評估我們的動機和行為。 如果我們看到動機是以自我為中心的,我們就會承認並做一些 純化 實踐。 我們冷靜下來,然後以全新的眼光看待這種情況,培養一種新的、更友善的動力。 當我們這樣做時,無論有人稱讚我們還是責備我們,都沒有關係。 為什麼? 因為我們了解自己。 當我們看到我們以良好的動機行事,我們善良,我們誠實,我們在這種情況下盡力而為,那麼即使有人不喜歡我們所做的,即使他們批評我們,我們也不會覺得不好意思。 我們知道我們自己的內在現實; 我們以積極的精神狀態盡我們所能。 當我們與自己接觸並更加自我接納時,當負面情緒出現時,我們可以立即對付它們,而不是讓它們在我們的腦海中潰爛。 我們越能誠實地審視自己並開始應用這些方法 被教導要放下有害的情緒並增強建設性的情緒,我們就越不依賴他人的評論。 這給了我們某種自由; 我們對他們對我們的評價變得不那麼敏感了。

One time I gave a Dharma talk in a Seattle bookstore to an audience of about fifty people. During the Q and A session, somebody stood up and said, “Your kind of Buddhism is different than my kind of Buddhism. What you’re teaching is all wrong. You said this and that, and that’s not right because this is what’s true.” This person spoke for about ten minutes, really trashing the talk that I gave in front of all these people. When they were done, I just said, “Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts.” I wasn’t angry because I knew that I had studied, that what I said was correct to the best of my ability, and that I’d cultivated a compassionate motivation before giving the talk. If they had said something that I thought was correct, I would have said, “Hmm. What you’re saying makes sense. Maybe I did make an error.” I would have gone back and asked my teacher, studied more, and checked it out. That wasn’t the case though. I listened to their criticism and I didn’t find anything in it that was accurate, so I just let it go. I didn’t need to defend myself or put them down. I knew that I did my best and wasn’t offended by their comments. After the talk some people came up to me and said, “Wow! We can’t believe you were so calm after this person acted this way!” Perhaps that was the real teaching of the evening; I think something good came out of it.

聽眾: 你認為地球上的事情是在進步還是在惡化?

職業訓練局: 我很難給出一個全球性的聲明,因為有些人的思想正在產生消極的想法,但其他人的思想正在改變並且變得更加寬容和富有同情心。 我確實有希望的理由。 伊拉克戰爭前,他們在聯合國就是否入侵伊拉克進行了辯論。 儘管我們國家介入並接管了這個節目,雖然其他國家不同意有必要入侵伊拉克,但這實際上是他們第一次在聯合國討論開戰,所有國家都在那裡各國可以公開討論。

我看到越來越多的人開始意識到生態狀況。 許多不是佛教徒的人前來參加佛教講座,並被有關愛、慈悲和寬恕的教義所感動。 我住在一個非常基督教地區的一座修道院裡,那裡有很多自由主義者,靠近雅利安民族過去的總部所在地。 我們在這裡——一群佛教徒搬到雅利安民族的前首都附近。 我在鎮上教課,人們來了。 他們不是佛教班——我們談論如何減輕壓力,如何培養愛心和同情心等等——但每個人都知道我是佛教徒 修道院的. 當地城鎮的人來了,他們很感激。 我認為人們正在尋找和平的信息,令人印象深刻的是看到尊者 達賴喇嘛 受到世界各地的歡迎。


To conclude, let’s sit quietly for a few minutes. This is a “digestion 冥想,” so think about something that we talked about. Recall it in such a way that you can take it with you and continue to think about it and put it into practice in your life. (silence)


讓我們將我們作為個人和團隊創造的積極潛力奉獻出來。 我們以積極的動機傾聽和分享; 我們懷著良好的意願聆聽和思考善意和慈悲的話語,以試圖改變我們的思想。 讓我們奉獻所有積極的潛力並將其發送到宇宙中。 你可以把它想像成你心中的光,輻射到宇宙中。 那光是你的正面潛能,你的美德,你把它發出去,並與所有其他眾生分享。

讓我們祈禱並發願,這樣通過今晚我們一起做的事情,每個眾生都能在自己的心中得到平靜。 願每一個眾生都能放下怨恨、傷害、和 憤怒. 願每一個眾生都能實現他們不可思議的內在人性之美,並展現他們的 潛在的。 願我們能夠為利益每一位眾生做出越來越大的貢獻。 願我們每一個人和所有其他眾生都快成正覺佛。


非常感謝 Kalen McAllister 來自 內在佛法 感謝安排這次談話,感謝 Andy Kelly 和 Kenneth Seyfert 的安排。 也非常感謝 Kenneth Seyfert 轉錄和編輯了這篇演講。


尊者 Chodron 強調佛陀教義在日常生活中的實際應用,特別擅長以西方人容易理解和實踐的方式來解釋它們。 她以其熱情、幽默和清晰的教學而聞名。 她於 1977 年在印度達蘭薩拉被嘉傑林仁波切出家為尼姑,並於 1986 年在台灣接受了比丘尼(圓滿)戒。 閱讀她的完整簡歷.
