Approaching the Buddhist Path (2018-19)

Extensive commentary given at Sravasti Abbey on Volume 1 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion, Approaching the Buddhist Path.

Exaggerated statements?

Covering the Chapter 6 sections “Treasure Teachings and Pure Vision Teachings” and “Exaggerated Statements?”

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Correctly understanding the point

Covering the Chapter 6 sections “Correctly Understanding the Point” and “Can the Dharma Change?”

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The importance of motivation

Covering the last section of Chapter 6 “Being Practical” and begins Chapter 7, covering the sections “A Peaceful Mind” and “The Importance of Motivation.”

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Mind training

Covering the sections in Chapter 7 “Cultivating a Compassionate Intention” and “Mind Training.”

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Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 1-2

Commentary on verses 1-2 of the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation by Geshe Langri Tangpa.

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Review of emotions and afflictions

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal reviews Chapter 3 sections on, "Emotions and Survival" and "Working with Afflictions."

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Working with the afflictions review

Venerable Thubten Damcho leads a lively discussion about how to apply antidotes to the afflictions.

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Review of loving kindness

Venerable Thubten Nyima reviews the section in Chapter 3 on loving-kindness, giving commentary to the Metta Sutta from the Pali Canon.

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Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 3-6

Continuing commentary on verses 3-6 of the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation by Geshe Langri Tangpa in Chapter 6.

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Eight verses of thought transformation: Verses 7-8

Continuing the commentary on verses 7 and 8 of the Eight Verses of Thought Transformation by Geshe Langri Tangpa in Chapter 6

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Paths for spiritual development

Beginning Chapter 8 “A Systematic Approach” and covering the section “Paths for Spiritual Development” explaining the outline of the lamrim teachings.

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Four truths and three levels of practitioners

Continuing Chapter 8 “A Systematic Approach,” covering the sections “The Four Truths and Three Levels of Practitioners” and “More Than One Approach.”

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