Search results for “king of prayers

Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

The objects of mindfulness and the misconceptions to...

How practicing the four establishments of mindfulness helps to overcome misconceptions of the body, feelings,…

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Medical professionals performing surgery.
Living with Impermanence

Practicing when having surgery

A monastic at Sravasti Abbey relies on her Dharma practice when facing surgery.

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Mindful Eating

Wisdom you can taste

Practicing mindfulness while we eat helps us to live in the present moment, but our…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim review: The six preparatory practices

Review of teachings in this series on the six preparatory practices, looking at the activities…

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Essence of a Human Life

Living in the joy of the Dharma

The dedication verse encourages us to turn away from the hustle and bustle of our…

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Essence of a Human Life

Becoming a better person

Practical steps on how to improve our ethical conduct and be kinder to those around…

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Essence of a Human Life

Establishing a daily practice

How to integrate the Dharma into our daily lives from the time we wake up…

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Gomchen Lamrim

The qualities of the Three Jewels

How to cultivate and deepen refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha by reflecting on…

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Essence of a Human Life

Karma is not cast in concrete

The importance of engaging in the four opponent powers as soon as we recognize that…

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Essence of a Human Life

Overcoming ignorance

The difficulty in applying the teachings on karma when it comes to creating virtue and…

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Essence of a Human Life

The nine-point death meditation

Reflecting on our relationships with money, possessions, friends, and relatives, and the karma we create…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Overview of the stages of the path

The conclusion of the teaching series with a broad overview of all the stages of…

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