Search results for “king of prayers

Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The first noble truth: Our situation in samsara

Looking at the reality of our present situation will motivate us seek authentic happiness.

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Face of a sculpture of Tara.
Green Tara

Green Tara sadhana with the Eight Dangers

An alternate text of the Green Tara sadhana including the Protection from the Eight Dangers…

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Placeholder Image

Origin and spread of the Buddha’s doctrine

An excerpt from "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions" exploring the similarities and differences within Buddhist…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 60: A pure land of joy

The supreme peace of liberation. Also, what it means to practice and dedicate for rebirth…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

The ten non virtuous paths of action

The three physical and four verbal non-virtues, focusing on the four factors required for them…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Refuge guidelines and karma

Guidelines for practicing refuge in daily life. The four general characteristics of karma and purification…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

A rare and valuable opportunity

Why a precious human rebirth is an incredible opportunity and a rare attainment. Reflecting on…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Overview of the stages of the path

An overview of the graduated path to awakening and how it relates to the three…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Benefits of relying on a spiritual mentor

The eight benefits of properly relying on the spiritual mentor and the disadvantages of not…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Preliminaries to meditation

Introduction to the series and text. How to set up a daily meditation practice. The…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Developing calm abiding

How keeping precepts helps one's meditation practice and helps in living a happier life.

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Shadow of a Hiker
Ethics in the Modern World

A long obedience

Exodus isn't just about liberation from slavery, it's also about rebinding. Just laws, or taking…

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