Search results for “king of prayers

Closeup of man looking out window.
On Impermanence

My father’s death

A student reflects on the death of his aged father.

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Gomchen Lamrim

The causes of bodhicitta

The causes to create in order to develop bodhicitta, the altruistic intention. The importance of…

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Don't Believe Everything You Think

Dedicating our merit

Training the mind to dedicate the merit of virtuous actions and spiritual practice. Dedicating with…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Dedicating for the benefit of all

The completion of the commentary on the verses after lunch, pointing out all the beings…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

The emptiness of giving

How to contemplate depending arising and emptiness while making offerings.

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Verses after meals

An explanation of the mantras done after meals and dedication prayers for all beings.

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On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Healing the body, mind, and world

Dietician Bob Wilson shares how making healthy choices has healed his body and mind, enabling…

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Young people knead bread together in the Sravasti Abbey kitchen.
Mindful Eating

Dedication verses

Why it's important to dedicate to never be separated from the Triple Gem, and a…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

Questions and answers on the establishments of mindf...

A discussion of mindfulness of feelings. Neutral feelings and how they arise, attachment to children.…

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

Meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness

Meditating on the four establishments of mindfulness includes meditating on the common and individual characteristics…

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