
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Someone wrote the words Nothing is permanent on the sand.
On Attachment

Prison, life, impermanence

A person in prison describes the experience of solitary confinement and how by taking refuge…

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Woman deep in thought.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions


How to use our precious human life to develop love, compassion, and wisdom.

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Two people hiking in bug landscape
Prison Poetry

The hills we climb

An incarcerated person writes about the joyful effort of practice and what it does for…

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A closeup image of flames.
Prison Poetry

The extinguishing of fires

A person in prison reflects on the benefits of meditation practice and mindfulness.

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Cherishing others

A continuation of the review and the importance of thinking about the disadvantages of self-centered…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

The root of cyclic existence

A continuation of the review, and how important it is to eradicate the self-centered mind.

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Our craving for feelings and contact

Examining how our feelings arise dependently gives us an objective view of how they rule…

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Shantideva on the Establishments of Mindfulness

Pleasant and unpleasant feelings

We are constantly motivated by attachment and aversion to feelings, which causes us to try…

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The Eight Dangers

Staving off the flood

Strengthening our precepts and practice helps to fortify our minds against the flood of attachment…

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