
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry IV" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry IV

Poems written by incarcerated people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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Sculpture of a knotted gun with the word Non-Violence engraged on stone.
On Overcoming Anger

The precept of nonviolence

A person in prison recounts an incident in which he chose to keep his vow…

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Big blue sky with fluffy clouds above the tree line
On Mindfulness

Vanquishing depression and anxiety

It is possible to free oneself from reacting negatively to life through meditation and practice.

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry III" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry III

Poems written by people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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A big bubble wrapping a woman who is meditating.
On Mindfulness

Celebration of Buddha’s enlightenment

An incarcerated person's gratitude to his sangha, discussing his history of violence, his discovery of…

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On Mindfulness

Mindfulness, contentment, and ABBA

Happiness is an inside job. One can cultivate happiness no matter the circumstances of our…

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry II" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry II

Poems written by people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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Carl squatting on a pail, taking a measuring tape and smiling.
On Mindfulness

How spirituality changed my life

A formerly incarcerated person discusses his path to spirituality, before and after prison.

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Prison cell with the words 'Prison poetry I" superimposed over it.
Prison Poetry

Prison poetry I

Poems written by several people associated with the prison Dharma outreach program.

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Closeup photo of Brother Hue Chuyen.
On Working with Afflictions

This hit home

Understanding affliction through an everyday example brings self-awareness and compassion.

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The back view of a woman stretch her hand trying to catch light in front of her.
Karma and Your Life

Working with karma

How we create karma and what we can do to create the causes for happiness…

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