
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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Bob giving a talk at Sravasti Abbey in front of the Chenrezig Hall altar.
On Taking Illness Onto the Path

Transforming aging and illness into the path

One of Venerable Chodron's long-time students contemplates acceptance and slowing down.

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Venerable teaching at Amitabha Buddhist Centre.

The power of Nyung Ne with questions and answers

What it means to take refuge during the Nyung Ne practice. Answers to questions on…

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One teacher, many traditions: But what is the path?

How the Buddha's many discourses are not contradictory but show he was a skillful teacher…

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Bodhisattva Path

How to think like a bodhisattva

A commentary on Vasubandhu's ten great resolves of a Bodhisattva. How reflecting on the resolves…

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Statue of angel in front of rising sun with arms reaching out.
Dharma Poetry

The warrior of dawn

The student tries paths of light and of darkness before discovering the middle way.

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Venerable sitting in meditation posture before teaching.
Love and Self-esteem

Seeing the kindness of all beings

When we recognize how friends, strangers and even those we have difficulty with are kind…

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An Open-Hearted Life

A Healthy Diet for the Mind

How cultivating compassion is like engaging in a mental fitness program for the mind. What…

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Cultivating Compassion

The power of compassion in a chaotic world

By cultivating broad-minded compassion we can react in a compassionate way to other living beings…

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“The Compassionate Kitchen”

How eating and activities related to it—preparing food, offering and consuming it, and cleaning up—can…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Cultivating love and compassion

Continuing to read from “Working with Afflictions” in Chapter 3 and covers “Cultivating Love and…

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An Open-Hearted Life

Becoming friends with ourselves

Becoming our own friend means treating ourselves with kindness, respect and compassion; celebrating our successes…

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