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Meditation on the eight stages of the death process
A guided meditation on the eight stages of the death process.
View PostThe eight stages of the death process
Explaining the eight stages of the death process, speaking on how to help people who…
View PostHow to prepare for death
Teaching on how to prepare ourselves for death, on the five powers, and answering questions…
View PostMeditation on how only spiritual practice helps at d...
A guided meditation on the last three points in the nine-point death meditation.
View PostOnly spiritual practice can help at death
Reviewing the last set of points in the 9-point death meditation on the fact that…
View PostThe uncertainty of the time of death
Leading a guided meditation on the second three points in the 9-point death meditation on…
View PostMeditation on the inevitability of death
A guided meditation on the first three points in the nine-point meditation on death focusing…
View PostThe inevitability of death
Covering the first three points in the nine-point meditation on death focusing on the inevitability…
View PostThe eight worldly concerns
Teaching on how attachment to this life keeps us bound in samsara, exploring the eight…
View PostWhat Buddhism says about death
Reviewing Buddhist views on death and speaking on the importance of accepting our death so…
View PostAttachment to this life
Speaking on dependent arising and starting teachings on the first attachment that keeps us bound…
View PostThe Buddhist worldview
Introducing the text 'Parting from the Four Attachments' and discussing key ideas in the Buddhist…
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