Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate (2017-19)

Teachings on The Course in Buddhist Reasoning and Debate: An Asian Approach to Analytical Thinking Drawn from Indian and Tibetan Sources by Daniel Perdue given at Sravasti Abbey.

Products and nonproduced phenomena

Continuing with Chapter 10, covering the section “The Division of Existents into Products and Nonproduced Phenomena.”

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Ultimate and conventional truths

Continuing with Chapter 10, covering the section “The Division of Existents into Ultimate Truths and Conventional Truths.”

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Specifically and generally characterized phenomena

Continuing with Chapter 10, covering the section “The Division of Existents into Specifically Characterized Phenomena and Generally Characterized Phenomena.”

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Hidden phenomena and manifest phenomena

Continuation of Chapter 10, covering the section “The Division of Existents into Hidden Phenomena and Manifest Phenomena.”

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Review of definitions

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal leads a review of the definitions and relationships between the seven divisions of existents.

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Exploring what "bad" means through a syllogism, and teaches on the category of "non-existents."

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Functioning things

Beginning to teach on the divisions of "Functioning Things," as part of Chapter 11: "Basic Buddhist Ontology 2."

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Review of Definitions

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal leads a review of definitions from the divisions of the selfless, up to the divisions of functioning things.

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Sounds, odors and tangible objects

Covering the sections on Sounds, Odors, Tastes, and Tangible Objects in Chapter 10 “Basic Buddhist Ontology 2.”

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Internal matter

Finishing the section on tangible objects and continuing to internal matter.

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Review of functioning things

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal reviews the divisions of "Functioning Things," one of the main categories in Buddhist Ontology.

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Let’s debate!

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal leads a review, focusing on practice debates from a traditional Collected Topics debate text.

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