Gems of Wisdom (2014-2015)

Short talks on Gems of Wisdom, a thought-training text by the Seventh Dalai Lama.

Root Text

Gems of Wisdom translated by Glenn H. Mullin is available from Shambhala Publications here.

Verse 25: The negative omen of exaggeration

Exaggerating the good qualities of objects we are attached to can only bring suffering.

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Verse 26: Small negativities, strong poisons

Small transgressions in ethical conduct can reap large results, so be careful of even the smallest unwholesome actions.

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Verse 27: Guarding our spiritual precepts

The right mindset to cultivate when we voluntarily take and keep precepts in order to progress along the spiritual path.

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Verse 28: Getting rid of body odor

It is difficult to challenge the wrong views and assumptions that we take for granted based on our social conditioning.

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Verse 29: Vulgar and insensitive actions

Lack of consideration for others mars their impression of us and harms our relationships.

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Verse 30: The navigator in samsara

Karma and afflictions lead us by the nose. We need to take responsibility for creating the causes for full awakening.

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Verse 31: The invisible disease

Our refusal to acknowledge and accept the process of aging and sickness is a cause of our suffering.

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Verse 32: The master executioner

Death is definite. It is important to practice virtue and avoid non-virtue while we still have this precious human life.

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Verse 33: The one who suffers the most

The perpetrator of a harmful action is experiencing suffering, and also creating the causes for future suffering.

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Verse 34: The most evil of all beings in the world

Those who abuse their strength and power cause tremendous suffering and waste the good karma they created in past lives.

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Verse 35: The biggest loser

By not following the law of karma we will only lose out by creating suffering for ourselves and others.

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Verse 36: The slave owned by everyone in the world

The mind that lacks self-confidence swings between people-pleasing behavior and arrogance.

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