Approaching the Buddhist Path (2018-19)

Extensive commentary given at Sravasti Abbey on Volume 1 of The Library of Wisdom and Compassion, Approaching the Buddhist Path.

Engaged Buddhism and political involvement

Continuing Chapter 12, covering the sections “Using Diverse Methods to Benefit Others” and “Engaged Buddhism and Political Involvement.

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Consumerism and the environment

Continuing Chapter 12, covering the sections "Consumerism and the Environment," "The World of Business and Finance," and "Media and the Arts".

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Concluding teaching

Finishing Chapter 12 and concluding teaching “Approaching the Buddhist Path.”

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Review of chapters 4 and 5

Venerable Thubten Jampa reviews chapters 4 and 5 of the book “Approaching the Buddhist Path.”

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Review of chapters 6 and 7

Venerable Thubten Lamsel reviews Chapters 6 and 7 of “Approaching the Buddhist Path".

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Review of chapter 9

Venerable Thubten Samten reviews chapter 9 of the book “Approaching the Buddhist Path.”

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Review of chapters 10 and 11

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal reviews chapters 10 and 11 from the book "Approaching the Buddhist Path."

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