Search results for “bhikshuni ordination

Venerables Tarpa, Saldon, and Chodron standing outside in the lower Abbey meadow.
Interfaith Dialogue

A bhikshuni’s view

A brief overview of how Buddhist monastic traditions spread and adapt to new cultures.

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Venerable Kechog Palmo sitting on the floor, smiling, looking at Rangjung Rigpe Dorje, also smiling.
Tibetan Tradition

The first Western bhikshuni in the Tibetan tradition

Freda Bedi was the first Western nun in the Tibetan tradition to receive bhikshuni ordination.

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A hand lighting a white candle.
Theravada Tradition

The five points

Taken from "Where We Are Now," a letter by Elders' Council of the Forest Sangha,…

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Group of Tibetan nuns waiting to take vows.
Tibetan Tradition

A seminar to be organised by the Department of Relig...

This paper is a summary of much of the research done on the bhikshuni ordination…

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Ven. Chodron, Ven. Jampa Tsedroen , Ven. Heng-Ching Shih and Ven. Lekshe Tsomo sitting and discussing on a table full of papers.
Tibetan Tradition

A new possibility

The importance of having bhikshunis in the world and how bhikshuni ordination can be established…

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Buddhist nun making an offering to her teacher.
A Nun's Life

Women in Buddhism

A discussion on the status of nuns in the Buddhist community.

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Venerable Chodron teaching in a crowded room of students.

Asia Teaching Tour 2023

In-person teachings in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan.

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A large group of Tibetan monastics gathered together.
Western Monastics

Establishing the sangha in the West

Transcript of a meeting with monastics on establishing a monastic community in the West.

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Venerable Chodron smiling while sitting in front of a large TV screen showing Zoom participants.
21st Century Buddhists

Buddhism, modernism and mindfulness

A discussion on topics including Buddhist and secular mindfulness, the value of monasticism, and the…

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Venerable Chodron standing with monastics and lay people at Shide Nunnery.
Western Monastics

Interview with Shide Nunnery

An interview with Venerable Chodron with nuns from Shide Nunnery in Germany about the mindful…

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Front page of Dharma Drum article showing Ven. Chodron smiling.
A Nun's Life

Guided by bodhicitta to create an energy field for c...

An interview with Dharma Drum Humanity Magazine, in which Venerable Chodron talks about her early…

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