Search results for “king of prayers

Statue of a bronze Buddha.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Refuge and bodhicitta

The three principal causes for taking refuge—a sense of caution, a sense of confidence, and…

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Venerable Chodron and retreatants group photo in 2005.
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005

Physical prison versus samsaric prison

Watching the mind's reaction to food. Looking at attachment, seeing where it leads us. Examining…

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Venerable Chodron and retreatants group photo in 2005.
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005

Questions about initiation and meditation

Rejoicing in receiving the Vajrasattva initiation from Lama Zopa. Clarifying various aspects of the meditation…

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Couple holding hands.
Family and Friends

Romance and family life

Buddhist advice for parents and for youth on romantic love and relationships.

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The sun rises in an orange misty sky above trees and mountains.
Wheel of Sharp Weapons Retreat 2004

Wheel of Sharp Weapons: Verses 24-34

A further look at various experiences in our lives and the previous actions that brought…

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A man walking towards coming light on a railway rack.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Practical guidelines for good living

How and why we take refuge and an elaboration on the specific and common guidelines…

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A buddha statue with reflecting image of the buddha on the surface.
Prison Dharma

Heartfelt gifts

People in prison connect with the Triple Gem through offerings of great generosity.

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A group of nuns from various religions sitting at a table, talking.
Interfaith Dialogue

“Nuns in the West I:” Interviews

Buddhist and Catholic monastics open discussion on various views.

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Buddhist Worldview

Our precious human life

Understanding the freedom and fortune that we currently have to learn and practice the Dharma.

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How Rebirth Works

Rebirth: Is it really possible?

Examining one of the key concepts in the Buddhist worldview, which is that we are…

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Venerable Jampa, smiling and talking to retreatants during group discussion.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Heart-warming love

It is possible to see all beings, whether they are friends, enemies, or strangers, as…

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Boys at the morning prayer in a monastic school in Myanmar.
New to Buddhism

Advice for newcomers to the Dharma

Tips on how to act in Dharma centers. Figuring out what to study and practice.…

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