Search results for “king of prayers

Cover of Cultivating a Compassionate Heart.

Awakening compassion

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's foreword to "Cultivating a Compassionate Heart," on how the Chenrezig…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

What to do after retreat

Advice on how to take what was learned during retreat into life, and how to…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Dealing with the craving for excitement

Working with the mind that always looks forward to something new and exciting, and looking…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Once you start, never stop

Bowing to anyone who creates merit and practices good conduct; a look at what hell…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Just go free-form

Taking refuge when something strange comes in the mind; how wonderful to be able to…

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The first frost of snow falls on a Buddha statue in the garden amidst fall foliage.
37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

37 Practices: Verses 10-15

Recognizing the kindness of all beings, our mothers, and taking our difficult experiences as tools…

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Vajrasattva statue
Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2005-06

Discriminating wisdom

A discussion covering topics such as "bad friends," dealing with intense emotions, bad dreams, and…

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Stupas at Kopan Monastery, Nepal
Making Offerings

Explanation of the extensive offering practice

An explanation of the symbolism of the extensive offerings practice; imagining vast offerings in order…

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By Incarcerated People

Growing through the Dharma

A person in prison shows how through thought transformation, we can find some good even…

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Volunteers distributing bottles of water from the back of a pickup truck.
Responding to Prejudice

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina

Advice to two Dharma students on extending compassion to those directly suffering and those distressed…

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Large group of nuns from various religions.
Interfaith Dialogue

Report on “Nuns in the West II”

"The power of women of different faiths meeting together and sharing in harmony cannot be…

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