Search results for “king of prayers

Blossoms of the Dharma

A nun in exile: From Tibet to India

A Tibetan-born nun emigrates out of Chinese-occupied territory to South India, where she is instrumental…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

Restoring an ancient tradition

A nun describes her experience being accepted and integrating into a Mainland Chinese community of…

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A turnaround in Mundgod

A Western nun teaching young Tibetans in India in 1999? Why not give something back…

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Venerable with a woman and a soldier at the Gaza Strip.

In the Holy Land, Israel and Palestine

Political conflict affects the lives of people of all faiths and backgrounds throughout the Holy…

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A menorah with lit candles against a dark background.
Interfaith Dialogue

Reflections of a Jewish Buddhist

International journalist Peter Aronson compares teachings and traditions in Judaism, the religion of his upbringing,…

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Photo of a girl writing: No act of kindess No matter how small is ever wasted.
Dharma in Action

My true religion is kindness

An interview with Rinchen Khandro Chogyel on her life of socially engaged Buddhism.

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Monastic robes hanging on a clothesline.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

Colors of the Dharma

Representatives of a variety of monastic traditions discuss student-teacher relationships, practice, training, the Vinaya, monasteries…

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Cover of the book Preparing for Ordination.
Preparing for Ordination

Protocol for sangha in the Tibetan tradition

How to remain respectful of other cultures while maintaining the expectations of monastic dress and…

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Blossoms of the Dharma

A message from His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Advice for Buddhist nuns to single-mindedly take the essence of Buddhism and put it into…

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Cesara, a guest at the Abbey, emptying water bowls.
Refuge in the Three Jewels

Purifying for refuge practice

Why purification is necessary; practices for taking refuge in spiritual mentors, the Buddhas, the Dharma,…

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