
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 26: Small negativities, strong poisons

Small transgressions in ethical conduct can reap large results, so be careful of even the…

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Cultivating Compassion

Moving toward compassion

The obstacles that we experience when cultivating compassion and how to overcome them.

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Developing calm abiding

How keeping precepts helps one's meditation practice and helps in living a happier life.

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A man and woman sitting on a bench, arguing.
Cultivating Healthy Relationships

Trouble with relationships

How to work with negative emotions in relationships and when working with other people, cultivating…

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Living with an Open Heart

Healing with love and compassion

Counteracting the self-centered, self-grasping mind and confronting the emotional problems of this life through love…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Transforming unpleasant feelings

Discusses the difference between unpleasant feelings that arise from virtuous versus non-virtuous minds. Using wisdom…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Karma, formative action, and volitional factors

Deciphers the difference between Dharma terms related to karma and illuminates how this understanding is…

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Vajrasattva Winter Retreat 2014

Appreciating the time for analysis

Expresses appreciation for the time we have during the silent Winter Retreat to do analytical…

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Theravada Tradition

Spiritual liberation

A community of Buddhist nuns, the Order of Siladhara, provides opportunity for women seeking the…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Transforming arrogance and anger

The importance of taming our arrogance and catching our disturbing attitudes through mindfulness and introspective…

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Bodhisattva Path

Taming the mind: Questions and answers

Question-and-answer session on topics ranging from rebirth, mindfulness to dealing with differences in religious beliefs.

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