
Teachings on mindfulness, a mental factor that enables the mind to stay on its chosen object. These include teachings on mindfulness in developing concentration and keeping ethical conduct.

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Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Russia)

The objects of mindfulness and the misconceptions to...

How practicing the four establishments of mindfulness helps to overcome misconceptions of the body, feelings,…

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Dharma in Daily Life

Merging the Dharma with daily life

Dharma practice does not just happen on the cushion. Practical advice on how to use…

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Mindful Eating

Wisdom you can taste

Practicing mindfulness while we eat helps us to live in the present moment, but our…

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Buddhist Worldview

Areligious Buddhism: Is there such a thing?

Examining the practices and principles of the mindfulness movement and secular Buddhism. How secular Buddhism…

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Essence of a Human Life

Establishing a daily practice

How to integrate the Dharma into our daily lives from the time we wake up…

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Responding to Prejudice

White privilege

Responding to a student's request to speak about race in America and how to be…

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The mindfulness craze

Clarifying how the classical Buddhist presentation of mindfulness differs from how mindfulness is taught for…

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Buddha statue in front of trees in the autumn turning yellow and orange.
37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

37 Practices: Verses 9-10

How to expand our motivation beyond attaining a good rebirth to liberation and awakening to…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Mindfulness and antidotes to hindrances

How reflecting on the kindness of others motivates our spiritual practice and sets the context…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Conditions for practice

A description of the obstacles to meditation, how to have good meditation posture, and the…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Having a flexible mind

The importance of setting a good motivation, seeing the value of our precious human life,…

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