
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Photo of The Wheel of Life.
LR11 Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

Dependent arising: Links 1-3

Superstition obscures the right view and brings forth a wrong fantasy view. It is the…

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Photo of The Wheel of Life.
LR11 Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

The wheel of life

Being aware of death while we are alive helps us distinguish what's important. Living each…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Death and the bardo

Why death occurs, how important it is to clear up our relationships with others now,…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Inappropriate attention

How we pay attention to something affects how we experience it. Considering the many factors…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

The order in which afflictions develop

Examining how the afflictions arise in our day-to-day lives so that we can loosen our…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Attachment and anger

Introduction to the six root afflictions and an in-depth look at the first two—attachment and…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Unsatisfactoriness of god realms

Understanding why the god realms are unsatisfactory helps us understand that rebirth in any realm…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

The dukkha of cyclic existence

Looking at and meditating on the disadvantages of cyclic existence in many different ways helps…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Our unsatisfactory experiences

Taking an honest look at the situation we're in in samsara: facing birth, sickness, aging…

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