
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Venerable Chodron teaching on video
Responding to Prejudice

The social impact of gun violence

Keeping a calm and compassionate mind in the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal.

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Cover of How to Free Your Mind.

Examining attachment

Using the practice of generosity as an antidote to attachment.

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Retreatant from Young Adults Week, 2013.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2013

Acting with kindness

How to respond with kindness to others and make decisions based on long-term benefits.

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A signage with the name Choice.
On Mindfulness

The choices we make

Taking responsibility for and facing our past behaviors is the first step toward change.

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Challenges to forgiveness

We can generate forgiveness and compassion for those who harm ourselves or others. Forgiveness does…

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How to See Yourself As You Really Are

Dependent arising and realism

Teaching the method side of the path, reflecting on how we are completely dependent on…

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Transforming War and Terrorism

The silver lining

Finding hope in positive developments that have emerged in America since the Boston Marathon tragedy.

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Transforming War and Terrorism

The golden rule

In the wake of the Boston Marathon tragedy, interfaith perspectives on turning away from hate…

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Venerable Chodron teaching on video
Transforming War and Terrorism

Compassion and kindness in the face of terrorism

A three-part series of talks on cultivating compassion, kindness and forgiveness for perpetrators in the…

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The true meaning of forgiveness

Clarifying the meaning of forgiveness and how it allows us to cultivate compassion in difficult…

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