
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Responding to Prejudice

Overcoming anger towards those who use hate speech

The Buddha had an answer for those who believed in the innate superiority of certain…

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Responding to Prejudice

We all can overcome our wrong views

A story of a man who used to be a white supremacist and transformed his…

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Chunks of coal.
On Working with Afflictions

Anger not nice

An 88-year-old father of one of Venerable Chodron's students writes a poem to explain what…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Auxiliary bodhisattva ethical restraints 19-20

Teaching the auxiliary bodhisattva ethical restraints, covering those related to the far-reaching practice of fortitude.

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.
Healing Anger

Dealing with anger using mind training

When we're angry our view of the situation is an exaggeration. Looking at the situation…

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.
Healing Anger

Counteracting anger with compassion

Recognizing there are no benefits to anger. Counteracting angry states of mind by viewing others…

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.
Healing Anger

The downside of anger

Real freedom is an inner-state—freedom from afflicted mental states. When we are free from anger…

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.
Healing Anger

Changing perspective to undermine anger

Using thought transformation practices to see others and difficult situations more realistically decreases anger because…

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A tree with knobs that look like two eyes and a mouth.
Healing Anger

Disarming the mind

The more we can develop compassion and fortitude, the more resistant we are to anger.

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Word cloud showing words like dicrimination and prejudice.
On Working with Afflictions

Clean up my act

A recent increase in hate crimes causes a Dharma student to reflect on where hate…

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