
Teachings on the mental affliction of anger, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

Removing barriers to forgiveness

Discussing what gets in the way of forgiving others and responsibility for our harmful actions

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

The four opponent powers

Explaining the four opponent powers of purification, and encouraging us to take responsibility for our…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

Stories of forgiveness

Continuing with the Gift of Forgiveness retreat, discussing various stories of forgiveness to illustrate the…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

Understanding disturbing emotions

Leading a question and answer session and exploring how to understand our disturbing emotions so…

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A rainbow appears in the gray sky above the treeline.

The disadvantages of holding grudges

Beginning the Gift of Forgiveness retreat, discussing the disadvantages of anger, overcoming a culture of…

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Green Tara tsa tsa on the Chenrezig Hall altar with offerings.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2020

How to deal with afflictions

Advice for dealing with afflictive emotions. Guided meditation on investigating afflictive emotions.

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Green Tara tsa tsa on the Chenrezig Hall altar with offerings.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2020

The conventional existence of Tara

Answers to questions about Tara’s existence using the three criteria for conventional existence and how…

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Green Tara tsa tsa on the Chenrezig Hall altar with offerings.
Green Tara Weeklong Retreat 2020

The eight dangers

Teaching on first four of the eight dangers we ask Tara to protect us from—arrogance,…

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Shantideva Teachings at Sravasti Abbey

The merits of bodhicitta

Answering questions and teaching on Verses 1.24-1.33 on the vast merits that come from generating…

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Two nuns meditating.
Antidotes to Afflictions

Meditation on working with anger

A guided meditation to reflect on the causes of anger and the antidotes.

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The causes of samsara

Speaking on the benefits of meditation on impermanence and teaching on six root afflictions that…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The eight worldly concerns

Teaching on how attachment to this life keeps us bound in samsara, exploring the eight…

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