Mar 11, 2010

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: Conclusion

The debate between Tsongkhapa and Bhavaviveka and Tsongkhapa's interpretation of Chandrakirti.

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: The Svatantrika view

A theatrical portrayal of Bhavaviveka elucidates the views of the Svatantrika Madhyamaka, or Middle Way…

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Guy Newland teaching.
Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths in the Cittamatra system

Exploring the view that there's no external world, as taught in the Cittamatra system (one…

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Guy Newland teaching.
Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths in the four schools

The similarities and differences within the four lineages of Tibetan Buddhism and how they came…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: The Sautrantika view

An in-depth look at the Sautrantika system (one of the four tenets).

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and dependent arising

Buddha nature in the sutras, the compatibility of dependent arising and emptiness, and the Sautrantika…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and different tenets

The Vaibhashika (one of the four tenet schools) view of the two truths.

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Guy Newland talking to Venerable Chodron outside the Abbey meditation hall.
Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths: Conventional existence

Detailed discussions of how all things exist conventionally, and why it's important to think about…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and Tibetan philosophy

Tsongkhapa's presentation of the two truths changed Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, emphasizing the need to strive…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and karma

The relationship of the two truths and two different ways of understanding karma.

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

Introduction to the two truths

An introduction to the concept of the two truths and its role in Buddhist teachings…

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