The two truths and dependent arising

Part of a series of teachings given from March 6-11, 2010, at Sravasti Abbey.

  • Potential for Buddhahood as discussed in the Lotus Sutra
  • Use of conceptual thought to eventually transcend it
  • Keystone of Tsongkhapa’s thought is the compatibility of dependent arising and emptiness because it maintains a valid basis for ethical distinctions
  • What it means to be conceptually imputed
  • Sautrantika tenet system: ultimate truths are those things that are perceived by the senses and can perform functions, such as tables, whereas conventional truths are those things that are mentally constructed

Part 6.1

Guy Newland on the Two Truths 06a: Dependent arising and emptiness (download)

Part 6.2

Guy Newland on the Two Truths 06b: Dependent arising and emptiness (download)

Part 6.1

Part 6.2

Dr. Guy Newland

Guy Newland, a student of Jeffrey Hopkins, is a scholar of Tibetan Buddhism who has been a professor at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan since 1988. He served as Chairperson of Central Michigan University's Department of Philosophy and Religion during the periods 2000-2003 and 2006-2009. He was elected to the Mount Pleasant Board of Education in July 2003 and served until December 2007, including six months as President of the Board and one year as Secretary.