
Teachings on how to cultivate wisdom on many different levels, ranging from the wisdom that understands karma and its effects, the four truths, and how to benefit others, to the wisdom realizing the ultimate nature of reality.

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Cover of Taming the Mind.
Taming the Mind

Ruminating: living in the past and future

How ruminating interferes with meditation and being mindful of the present.

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The emptiness of beings

Understanding emptiness gives us relief from the pain of grasping.

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A tibetan monk holding incense in his hand.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Monastic life changes: Relationships

Developing compassion for self and others with wisdom for the long term. Learning to work…

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A Presentation of the Establishment of Mindfulness

Preparatory practices for establishing mindfulness

The importance of mindfulness in maintaining ethical conduct, and in developing concentration and wisdom.

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A small novice holding a piece of paper.
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Monastic life changes: Courage

Committed to benefiting others, moving away from materialistic consumerism and away from instant self-gratification.

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Working with Emotions

Intolerance: Look Into Your Own Mind

We must overcome our own habits of intolerance and prejudice before we can help others.

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The text of the Four Noble Truths written on a paper
Exploring Monastic Life 2010

Motivation in a monastic environment

Examining the kind of mind that we want to cultivate when living a monastic way…

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Cover of Taming the Mind.
Taming the Mind

Marriage: helping each other grow

How attachment and the self-centered attitude cause problems in relationships. The importance of trust and…

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Buddhist Worldview

Self-centered Attitude

The meaning of "self-centered thought" and advice for working with it.

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Buddha walking in a grassy field with his silhouette in the background.
Dharma Poetry

Walking in your footsteps

A student's poetic appreciation of the Buddha.

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Stained-glass window of thousand-armed Chenrezig.
Chenrezig Weeklong Retreat 2010

Results of anger

How our anger creates many hindrances for liberation and enlightenment.

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

108 Verses: Verses 57-62

How one has the potential to attain enlightenment by changing one's own thoughts and mind.

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