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Relying on a spiritual friend
The benefits and importance of relying on a spiritual mentor, and the basic qualities to…
View PostChapter 5: Engaging in the bodhisattva deeds
Insight into how bodhisattvas think and act in order to be of the greatest benefit…
View PostCaring for ourselves and others
The antidotes to anger, an affliction which blocks our capacity to cultivate compassion.
View PostBenefits of compassion
The benefits of cultivating compassion and how to meditate to develop compassion towards all sentient…
View PostA heart of compassion
The meaning of compassion and the importance of distinguishing between compassion and self-centered distress.
View PostChapter 4: Verses 93-100
Continuing to discuss the inappropriateness of pride for those in power, and comparing arrogance and…
View PostDwelling in the Vibrant Warmth of Bodhicitta
Bodhicitta transforms our attitude toward other sentient beings.
View PostOne year after the Aurora shooting
Reflecting with compassion on the one-year anniversary of the Batman movie shooting in Colorado.
View PostChapter 4: Verses 85-92
Examining the reasons why it is inappropriate for those in power to be proud, relating…
View PostCultivating compassion in a violent world
Applying the ancient wisdom of a Buddhist philosophical text to bring compassion to situations of…
View PostThe social impact of gun violence
Keeping a calm and compassionate mind in the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal.
View PostChapter 4: Verses 90–100
What does it take to be an ethical leader? Is it appropriate for a country's…
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