
Teachings related to the law of karma and its effects, or how intentional actions of body, speech, and mind affect our circumstances and experiences. The law of karma and its effects explains how present experience is the product of past actions and how present actions affect future experience. Posts include teachings on the types and characteristics of karma and how to use an understanding of karma in daily life.

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View all posts in Venerable Thubten Chodron's teaching archive.

Parting from the Four Clingings

Attachment to this life

Speaking on dependent arising and starting teachings on the first attachment that keeps us bound…

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Parting from the Four Clingings

The Buddhist worldview

Introducing the text 'Parting from the Four Attachments' and discussing key ideas in the Buddhist…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

The difficulty of attaining a precious human life

Continuing from Chapter 8: “The Essence of a Meaningful Life” covering the section "Rare and…

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Volume 2 The Foundation of Buddhist Practice

Requesting inspiration

Teaching from Chapter 6 of the book "The Foundation of Buddhist Practice", covering requesting inspiration.

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Venerable Chodron spins a mani wheel.

Creating the causes for rebirth in Amitabha’s ...

What it means to be reborn in Amitabha’s Western Pure Land, how to create the…

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Venerable surrounded by people, smiling while walking toward the altar to teach.
Contentment and Happiness

Creating habits for happiness

How to establish daily habits at home and at work that will lead to greater…

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Buddhist Worldview

Unlocking your potential

How we experience the results of karma in every moment and create karma for future…

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Buddhist Worldview

Contemplating the value of our precious human rebirth

How contemplating the four thoughts that turn the mind inspires Dharma practice. Recognizing the potential…

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Venerable smiling and standing by Dan Harris.
The Importance of Motivation

Ten Percent Happier interview: What’s your mot...

Dan Harris interviews Venerable Chodron for the Ten Percent Happier podcast. They talk about motivation,…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Working in the world

Beginning Chapter 12 "Working in the World," covering the sections "Good Health and Dealing with…

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Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

Letting go of identities

Exploring how meditation on emptiness and bodhicitta provides a way to let go of our…

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Nagarjuna’s Precious Garland

Ultimate and conventional truths

Exploring ultimate and conventional truths and teaching on how to avoid the two extremes of…

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