
Advice and reflections about the causes of grief and how to work through the grieving process following changes that we do not welcome, such as the death of a loved one.

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A Hope Rainbow Mosaic sign.
On Cultivating Wisdom

Owning up, but with hope

An incarcerated person talks about the changes he has made in his life since being…

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A group of monastics and laypeople outside having a group discussion.
Healing after a Suicide

Loss of a loved one to suicide

Healing from a loved one's suicide by transforming the traumatic experience into a cause for…

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A person sitting on top of a moutain, meditating.
On Meditation


Accepting one's feelings of anger and pride leads to a greater understanding of oneself, and…

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Venerable Chodron leading retreatants in chanting.
Dealing with Grief

Dealing with grief

Exploring the causes of grief and how to work through the grieving process.

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Altar set up for Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

When our spiritual mentors pass away

A exchange with an old friend about experiencing the deaths of spiritual teachers.

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Abbey monastics chanting during a Medicine Buddha puja.
Dealing with Grief

Losing a dear one who was young

A letter from a student questioning the reason for the loss of her younger sister.

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On Love, Compassion, and Bodhicitta

Transforming grief into gratitude and love

A letter from an incarcerated person on coping with the death of his best friend…

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Volunteers distributing bottles of water from the back of a pickup truck.
Responding to Prejudice

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina

Advice to two Dharma students on extending compassion to those directly suffering and those distressed…

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Winding Roller Coaster at dusk
On Meditation

Riding the roller coaster

Daily practice helps us recognize the problems that our mind creates for us.

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Small Buddha statue next to a candle.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Preparing for a loved one’s death

Using the teachings to prepare the loved one for death and to prepare the family…

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A peace sign made of flowers over the 'Imagine' John Lennon memorial in Central Park.
Transforming War and Terrorism

Peace and justice after September 11

Dealing with fear and moving forward with compassion after the September 11, 2001 attacks on…

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Photo of woman lying in bed, looking sad.
Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Dealing with depression

How putting our life into perspective through spiritual practice can help with depression.

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