
Compassion is the wish for sentient beings to be free from suffering and its causes. Posts include teachings and meditations on how to develop and increase compassion.

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Sweet and endearing mothers

Venerable Thubten Chodron continues with Verse 7 of the “Eight Verses of Thought Transformation” and…

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

The relationship with our parents

Venerable Thubten Chodron continues with Verse 7 of the “Eight Verses of Thought Transformation” and…

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Illumination of the Thought

Objects of great compassion

Explaining compassion observing phenomena and compassion observing the emptiness of sentient beings, the second and…

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Illumination of the Thought

The three types of compassion

Teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Illumination of the Thought” and explaining compassion observing sentient beings, the…

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Illumination of the Thought

Hearers and solitary realizers

Teaching on Lama Tsongkhapa’s “Illumination of the Thought” and explaining how hearers and solitary realizers…

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Illumination of the Thought

Compassion as cause of bodhisattvas

Continuing teachings on “Illumination of the Thought” and explaining how great compassion is the root…

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Illumination of the Thought

“Supplement to the Middle way”

Covering the section explaining the meaning of the title and explaining Madhyamaka and Yogacara tenets.

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Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

Eight Verses of Thought Transformation

A commentary on the eight verses and how they can change our perspective—how we see…

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Venerable teaching to a group of nuns.
Illumination of the Thought

Homage to great compassion

A commentary on Chandrakirti's text explaining three kinds of compassion, and how compassion is the…

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Venerable holding a microphone and speaking.
Becoming a Monastic

Living in the precepts

The joy of living in the Dharma. The importance of bodhicitta and how it helps…

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Venerable Chodron gives a talk at Pu Yi Nunnery.

Cultivating Amitabha’s attitude

Bringing the mind in line with Amitabha's way of thinking means cultivating an attitude that…

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Plaque that says, "I vow to plant a garden on earth of loving kindness for all beings."
On Impermanence

Aging gracefully and with gratitude

Bob shares some of the practices (Dharma and other) that have benefited him throughout his…

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