
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Open Heart, Clear Mind

The four noble truths

A look at the unsatisfactory nature of cyclic existence and how to practice the noble…

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A bird enjoys eating at a feeder in the middle of winter.
Harmony with the Environment

Cynicism, fear of change, responsibility

Questions on cynicism among young people, fear of change, taking responsibility.

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Five precepts in Japanese written on a board.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

The precepts in modern culture

Keeping precepts in our present-day culture and relating to others in a healthy way.

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Ven. Thubten Tsultrim makes offerings to her preceptor Ven. Chodron after the ordination
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

The “Ratnapala Sutta”

Buddha's disciple foremost in faith who, with pure motivation, looked with wisdom at cyclic existence…

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Statue of a Buddha.
On Attachment

On attachment

Attachment brings suffering, but what does non-attachment bring us?

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Exploring Monastic Life (EML) retreatants sitting in chairs praying.
Exploring Monastic Life 2007

Questions for group discussions

How to prepare for monastic ordination. Reflecting on motivation, dealing with difficulties.

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Contentment and Happiness

The source of happiness and problems

What is real happiness? We think happiness comes from external situations and objects, but the…

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A black and white photo of a house with the word Karma on the window.
Essence of Refined Gold

10 nonvirtues and results explained

What creates seeds of karma? Results of even small everyday thoughts, words and actions many…

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A black and white photo of a house with the word Karma on the window.
Essence of Refined Gold

The four aspects of karma

How future lives are affected in both positive and negative ways by our thoughts, words…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Releasing the mind of attachment

Becoming aware of attachment and ways to develop a realistic perspective on ourselves and our…

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Statute of buddha in Thailand.
The Importance of Motivation

The eight worldly concerns

Examining the eight worldly concerns in terms of discovering a deeper meaning and purpose to…

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Statue of 1000 armed Chenrezig made of wood.
108 Verses on Compassion

Where is attachment?

Seeing the source of attachment or anger in order for us to eliminate them.

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