
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

Sex and our culture

A talk directed towards youth on how we should perceive sex and the confusion between…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 10-2: Counteracting the defilements

The different ways of counteracting the defilements, particularly the afflictions. The importance of not just…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 10-1: The fuel of the passions

How we ignorantly grasp at the afflictions, the importance of recognizing how we exaggerate, and…

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Cover of book Open Heart, Clearn Mind.
Open Heart, Clear Mind

Cultivating altruism and bodhicitta

How to develop an altruistic attitude that brings benefit to ourselves and others by recognizing…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

A successful life

We are taught to live by societal standards, yet we need to examine whether living…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

The real purpose of the Dharma

The real purpose of the Dharma is questioning, investigating, putting what makes sense into practice…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

Making decisions

This talk geared towards youth focuses on making decisions and having a sense of curiosity…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2008

Creating a happier future

How to live in a virtuous way and broaden our worldview so as to create…

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Young woman smiling, helping a young man on the computer.
Workplace Wisdom

Work retreat

Using the workplace as a springboard to noticing our mental state, being aware of any…

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A man taking a coffee cup.
On Cultivating Wisdom


A person in prison describes his experience with the Dharma. Attachment and desire can lead…

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Essence of Refined Gold

The objects of different consciousnesses

Appearing objects, observed objects, apprehended objects, and referent objects.

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Essence of Refined Gold

Developing insight into emptiness

The steps for developing insight into emptiness, and the difference between conceptual mind and non-conceptual…

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