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The Six Perfections

Cultivating positive states of mind

Methods to train the mind, focusing on the sequence of developing positive states of mind.…

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The Six Perfections

Day 1: Questions and answers

Session discussing signs of irreversible bodhicitta, the four maras, wishing all sentient beings to be…

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The Six Perfections

Bodhicitta, a vast perspective

Exploring reasons why bodhicitta is so powerful and teachings on the seven-step cause and effect…

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The Six Perfections

Review of bodhicitta

A review of bodhicitta, exploring praises of this jewel of minds, and why it is…

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Checking our meditation experiences

Finishing Chapter 10, covering sections "Checking Our Meditation Experiences" and "Signs of Progress" and beginning…

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Becoming a Monastic

Dismantling identities

Venerable Thubten Kunga describes how living at Sravasti Abbey supports her intention to dismantle old…

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An Open-Hearted Life

The seven-point instruction of cause and effect

How to reflect on the first three steps of the seven-point instruction to recognize the…

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Healing after a Suicide

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month: September 2019

The state of Washington is active in preventing suicide deaths. Venerable Chodron shares information on…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

More debate practice

The Abbey community practices the debates they wrote with each other.

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