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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

A monastic’s commitments & the benefits o...

Discussing the commitments that monastics make when ordaining and the benefits monasteries provide society.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

How precepts transform society

The other advantages of monastic precepts: to transform society, to bring about individual liberation, and…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Let’s debate!

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal leads a review, focusing on practice debates from a traditional Collected Topics…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

How precepts promote harmony in the sangha

The three kinds of precepts (pratimoksa, bodhisattva, and tantric) and how the first two reasons…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

The six harmonies of monastic life

The six harmonies of the Sangha described by the Buddha: physical, verbal, mental, keeping precepts,…

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Cover of The Gomchen Lamrim Study Guide.
Gomchen Lamrim

Gomchen Lamrim study guide

Contemplation points for the Gomchen Lamrim teaching series.

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

Ten reasons for monastic precepts

Continuing the story of Sudina, where the Buddha explains 10 reasons for laying down the…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

The first monastic precept

The story of Venerable Sudina, a monk whose transgression occasioned the first monastic precept.

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Volume 1 Approaching the Buddhist Path

Exploring Buddhism

Teaching on Chapter One: Exploring Buddhism, looking at the relationship between Buddhism, science and other…

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Exploring Monastic Life 2018

Why ordain young?

The story of Venerable Ratthapala and his response to a king who asked why he…

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Buddhist Reasoning and Debate

Review of functioning things

Venerable Tenzin Tsepal reviews the divisions of "Functioning Things," one of the main categories in…

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