analytical meditation

Analytical meditation involves investigating a subject with reflection and reason in order to integrate the meaning of the Dharma and develop virtuous qualities. Posts include instruction and guided meditations.

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Refuge Ngöndro

Refuge Ngondro Retreat instructions

The refuge ngondro practice and tips on how to work with the mind during the…

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Gomchen Lamrim

Nine-point meditation on death

Contemplating death helps us make our life more meaningful, motivates us to practice the Dharma…

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Guided Meditations

Things keep changing

More ways to reflect on impermanence in daily life, focusing on the processes of the…

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Guided Meditations

Death: The only thing we have to do

Why it's helpful to think about the certainty of our death. A guided meditation that…

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Guided Meditations

Things change

A gentle reflection on impermanence that we can do daily to cushion the shock we…

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Guided Meditations

Love your neighbor

A meditation on extending a sense of care and affection to people whom we find…

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Guided Meditations

Mind is the source of happiness and suffering

Creating emotional space from situations we find disturbing so as to transform our negative emotions.

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Guided Meditations

Grateful mind, happy mind

Skillful ways to transform the dissatisfied mind into one that is content and happy.

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Guided Meditations

Forgiving ourselves

Overcoming low self-esteem and self-criticism to realize our full potential.

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Guided Meditations

Compassion burnout

Identifying the near enemy of compassion--the feeling of burnout that happens when the self-centered thought…

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Guided Meditations

Purification: The four opponent powers

A psychological tool for self-forgiveness and making amends for our negative actions of body, speech,…

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