
Teachings on the monastic code of ethical discipline and precepts as set out by the Buddha 2,500 years ago and how they are lived in the present-day context.

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Ven. Chodron leading a group of monastics in a chant.
Life at Sravasti Abbey

The future is up to us

A participant in Sravasti Abbey's recent "Living Vinaya in the West" course considers how the…

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Group of nuns in Taiwan during bhikshuni ordination ceremony.
Full Ordination for Nuns

Brief history of bhiksunis

Venerable Chodron provides a short history of the issues surrounding ordination for women.

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Ven. Jampa giving a gift to Ven. Chodron.
Living in Community

The benefits of living in a monastic community

Venerable Jampa reflects on the benefits to be gained by living in a community of…

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Living in Community

Questions and answers with monastics

A discussion on various topics of daily life in the community, applicants for ordination, the…

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Living in Community

The six harmonies of the sangha: Part 2

The six ways of keeping harmony in the monastic community that help the community as…

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Living in Community

The six harmonies of the sangha: Part 1

The six ways of keeping harmony in the monastic community that help the community as…

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Living in Community

The ten benefits of monastic precepts

The ten reasons the Buddha gave for establishing the precepts cover benefiting the the individual…

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Venerable Damcho smiling and holding one of the texts.
Life at Sravasti Abbey

No small thing: Encouragement from China

The Abbey celebrates the arrival of 32 volumes of the annotated edition of the Nanshan…

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Abbey monastics performing varsa ceremony.
Monastic Rites

Varṣa skandhaka

The varṣa skandhaka deals with the annual rains retreat for monastics and the rules to…

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Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience

Ethical conduct and precepts

The higher training of ethical conduct: the eight types of precepts taken for liberation, and…

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Statues of bhikkhunīs facing Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī Wat Thepthidaram, Bangkok
Theravada Tradition

The controversy on bhikkhunī ordination

A detailed look at the arguments for and against the revival of bhikkhunī ordination in…

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