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Chapter 3: Verses 272-280
Practical advice for creating the collections of of merit and wisdom. The five common qualities…
View PostThe heart connection between monastics and laypeople
The verses for laypeople who offer food to nourish the sangha, and the sangha which…
View PostBuddhist precepts regarding food
The Buddhist perspective on fasting and how practitioners keep Buddhist precepts related to food.
View PostContemplating the eight types of dukkha, part 2
Explanation of meditating on the eight types of dukkha is continued with the last four.…
View PostWorking with attachment to food
Ways to work with attachment to food with a balanced mind.
View PostChapter 3: Verses 268-271
Thought transformation practices that create the causes for the collection of wisdom. The four ascetic…
View PostKindness vitamins: An interview
Venerable Thubten Chodron shares on how Buddhist practice has changed her life on the Third…
View PostDedicating for the benefit of all
The completion of the commentary on the verses after lunch, pointing out all the beings…
View PostChallenging self view
The various reasonings refuting that the person exists inherently in or separate from the aggregates.
View PostRefuting inherent existence
Analyzing whether the person is one with the aggregates, and how we have difficulty seeing…
View PostEmptiness and compassion
Analyzing whether the person is one or different from the aggregates.
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