Sravasti Abbey

Teachings that were presented at Sravasti Abbey.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Kindness towards ourselves and others

Recognizing our interdependence with others and how keeping good ethical conduct can help us to…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Investigating anger

Understanding how the mind of anger operates, and how to counteract it as it arises.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Releasing the mind of attachment

Becoming aware of attachment and ways to develop a realistic perspective on ourselves and our…

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Cultivating a healthy sense of self

Learn to distinguish between self-centeredness, self-grasping ignorance and genuine self-confidence.

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Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2007

Introduction to Buddhist practice and community living

Introduction to Sravasti Abbey's annual program for young adults, with advice on how to practice…

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Venerable standing in front of sunflowers, smiling.
Western Monastics

Living as a Western monastic

A short article that examines the hurdles in going for ordination and living as a…

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A man sitting on a giant book, both hands on his head and looking down on the floor, appearing to be in agony.
Three Principal Aspects of the Path

Renounce suffering, practice joyfully

Comments on a section of the Lamrim chenmo by Lama Tsongkhapa. Explains the types and…

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Karma unloading next winter's firewood from the Abbey truck.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2006

Uncovering inner beauty

A young adult week participant reflects on how he grew in self-confidence by connecting authentically…

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Venerable Chodron sitting with a group of retreatants from Youth Week 2006.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2006

Living an authentic life

Overcoming afflictions enables us to stop living under their control, and to gain clarity and…

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Retreatants from Youth Week 2006 standing together outside.
Young Adults Explore Buddhism 2006

Karma and decision-making

Understanding karma shapes the decisions that we make regarding our body, speech and mind.

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