Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience (2014-15)

Teachings on The Easy Path to Travel to Omniscience by Panchen Losang Chokyi Gyaltsen given by Venerable Thubten Chodron at Sravasti Abbey.

The wish to repay the kindness of all beings

Seeing the kindness of all beings leads to the wish to repay their kindness which is the cause for heart-warming love and compassion.

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Meditating to generate bodhicitta

In the seven-point cause and effect method of generating bodhicitta the six causes lead to the result, bodhicitta.

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Nine-point meditation for equalizing self and o...

The nine points to meditate on to generate the attitude that sees others and one self as equally deserving happiness and to be free of…

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Exchanging self and others to develop bodhicitta

The disadvantages of self-centeredness, the benefits of cherishing others, and how these meditations lead us to exchanging self and others and tonglen.

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The bodhisattva precepts: Part 1

What it means to take and observe the bodhisattva vows. Explanation of the 18 root bodhisattva vows, the four binding factors and the first 16…

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The bodhisattva precepts: Part 2

Commentary on the auxiliary bodhisattva vows and how they help us to practice the six far-reaching attitudes.

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The bodhisattva precepts: Part 3 and the six pe...

The Bodhisattva precepts on the ethical conduct of benefiting others. The importance of practicing the six perfections and how they support each other.

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Meditation on the initial scope of the lamrim

A guided meditation combining all the meditations of the initial level practitioner with each topic leading to the next.

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Far-reaching generosity and ethical conduct

How to cultivate the three kinds of generosity, and the three types of ethical conduct. How they benefit our self and others.

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