Search results for “buddha nature

Bodhisattva Path

70 Topics: The four buddha bodies

Teaching on chapter 8 on the buddha bodies and a buddha's exalted activities.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Ultimate nature of the twelve links

Continuing the teachings from Chapter 8, covering the section "The Ultimate Nature of the Twelve…

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21st Century Buddhists

Living the Buddha’s teachings in the 21st century

Using the Buddha's teachings to work with the mind and deal with contemporary issues including…

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Manjushri Weeklong Retreat 2019

The Buddha Refuge Jewel

The Three Jewels that Buddhists take refuge in on both the ultimate and conventional levels.

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Venerable meditating during a teaching at KSMPKS.

Connecting with Amitabha Buddha

The Amitabha Buddha practice and what a pure land is. The benefits and the causes…

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Thangka image of Amitabha Buddha.

Amitabha Buddha deity sadhana with guided meditation

Guided meditation on Amitabha Buddha with sadhana.

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Essence of a Human Life

More qualities of the Buddha

Relating more qualities of the Buddha to a verse that is used to praise the…

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Essence of a Human Life

The four fearlessnesses of the Buddha

The four things that a Buddha has confidence in, and how reflecting on this can…

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Prayer flags against autum leaves
By Prison Volunteers

A prison visit on “Buddha Day”

Venerable Thubten Jigme describes her experience celebrating "Buddha Day" with those at Coyote Ridge Correctional…

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Gems of Wisdom

Verse 73: Buddhas-to-be

Cultivating a pure view of others and ourselves as future buddhas can be more realistic…

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Origin and spread of the Buddha’s doctrine

An excerpt from "Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions" exploring the similarities and differences within Buddhist…

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