Search results for “buddha nature

Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Complementary nature of the perfections

Examining how each of the six far-reaching practices work together to complement and support each…

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Black and white image of a Buddha statue.
LR07 Refuge

Qualities of a Buddha’s mind

Wisdom and compassion are the two basic qualities of a Buddha's mind.

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A painting of Shakyamuni Buddha teaching to monastics.
LR07 Refuge

A Buddha’s body and speech

Knowing about the qualities and skills of a Buddha's body and speech can aid us…

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Shrine of a large Tibetan Buddha.
LR07 Refuge

Qualities of a Buddha

The Buddha's teachings are a reliable guide for our spiritual path.

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Nothing is to be removed

Explaining how the uninterrupted path leads to liberated path, transforming buddha nature and the third…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

Nine similes for Tathāgatagarbha

Explaining the first two similes from the section, "Nine Similes for Tathāgatagarbha", in Chapter 13,…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

The mind’s potential in the Pali tradition

Starting Chapter 13, "Buddha Nature", covering the potential of the mind from the section, "The…

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Volume 3 Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature

How to study the teachings

Commencing the teaching from "Samsara, Nirvana, and Buddha Nature" the third volume of the Library…

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Tenets with Geshe Dadul Namgyal

Buddhist tenet systems: Question and answers part 4

Answers to questions about tenet school views about Buddha nature, emptiness, abstract composites and others.

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Middle Way Philosophy


Jonang: the philosophical school that believes Buddha nature exists right now in ordinary beings, nothing…

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Buddhist Tenet Systems

The two truths and dependent arising

Buddha nature in the sutras, the compatibility of dependent arising and emptiness, and the Sautrantika…

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