Search results for “king of prayers

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A second pilgrimage in China

Two weeks of travel in China followed by two weeks of retreat and teachings with…

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Mandala offering hand mudra.
Mandala Offering

The purpose of mandala offerings

The importance of understanding the reasons why we do preliminary practices to purify negativities and…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR10 Noble Eightfold Path

Eightfold noble path

An overview of the eightfold noble path as well as an in-depth look at right…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Excitement and application

Examining the last three obstacles to calm abiding meditation: laxity and excitement, non-application, and over-application.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Laxity and excitement

Examining laxity and excitement , one of the five hindrances to calm abiding meditation.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Objects of meditation

Examining the various objects of calm abiding meditation taught by the Buddha.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Preparing for calm abiding meditation

Establishing the six conducive conditions for calm abiding meditation and advice on doing retreat.

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Thangka image of Lama Tsongkhapa.
Guru Yoga

Lama Tsongkhapa Guru Yoga, Part 2

Part 2 of Venerable Thubten Chodron's explanation of the practice of Guru Yoga.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

The four factors of gathering disciples

The four ways of gathering disciples, also know as the four ways to ripen others'…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Training in calm abiding

Introduction to the source of the teachings on calm abiding, its etymology, definition and explanation,…

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

Perfections of concentration and wisdom

Examining the three types of meditative stabilization and the four types of wisdom.

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Buddha in bright radiating light.
LR14 Bodhisattva Deeds

The four aspects of joyous effort

Examining the first two of the four aspects of joyous effort: Aspiration and steadfastness.

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