Search results for “king of prayers

Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

Repaying the kindness of our mother

Continuing an exploration of the seven-point cause and effect meditation by looking at repaying the…

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

The kindness of our mothers

Beginning an exploration of the seven-point cause and effect meditation by looking at how all…

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Statue of a sitting Buddha.
LR12 Cultivating Bodhicitta

The altruistic intention

An examination of the practices in common with advanced level practitioners starts by first considering…

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Photo of The Wheel of Life.
LR11 Twelve Links of Dependent Arising

The wheel of life

Being aware of death while we are alive helps us distinguish what's important. Living each…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Death and the bardo

Why death occurs, how important it is to clear up our relationships with others now,…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Causes of the afflictions

How wrong friends, the media, and the force of habit can stir up our afflictions…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

Unsatisfactoriness of god realms

Understanding why the god realms are unsatisfactory helps us understand that rebirth in any realm…

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Painting of the Buddha's first discourse.
LR09 The Four Truths for the Aryas

The first noble truth: Dukkha

Considering the four noble truths in terms of the three levels of practitioner, and looking…

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Four small Buddha statues.
LR08 Karma

The four opponent powers

Purification is the essential practice to establish a base for a good life. There are…

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Red neon sign that says 'Karma'.
LR08 Karma

Various ways of describing karma

Differentiating between types of actions, intentions, and consequences and understanding the differences.

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Chenrezig Hall in front of bright blud sky.
LR08 Karma

Environmental results of positive actions

Describing the results of positive karma based on the the intensity of the action, the…

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