Search results for “king of prayers

Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 17-3: Teaching the Dharma

Teaching the first two of four ways of gathering disciples: Being generous and speaking pleasantly.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 15-2: Three kinds of bodhisattvas

Explaining the three kinds of bodhisattvas to generate bodhicitta. With tremendous self-confidence, so much energy,…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 15-1: Plunging into cyclic existence

Bodhisattvas work for their enlightenment for the benefit of others and continue to manifest in…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Introduction to the text

The purpose and origin of the thought-training teachings. An introduction to the text and the…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 14-3: Three higher trainings

Gradual progression of subduing of the afflictions and the counteracting of the karma through the…

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Purple flowers blossom in a bunch.
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 14-1: The prison of cyclic existence

Determination to be free, aspiration for enlightenment to benefit sentient beings and liberate them, wisdom…

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