Search results for “king of prayers

Fear, Anxiety, and Other Emotions

Antidotes to the fear of separation

Parting from those we love is inevitable. Sending our loved ones on with love eases…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Virtuous and nonvirtuous paths of action

If we become aware of our virtuous and nonvirtuous paths of action we quickly see…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Four-point contemplation of karma

The many types and purposes of preliminary or preparatory practices. Four points in the contemplation…

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Photo of a flower giving out light
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Motivation for the Manjushri retreat

Setting the motivation for retreat, remembering the sufferings of the lower realms, and endeavoring to…

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A Tibetan nun smiling.
Becoming a Monastic

Some thoughts after ordination

Rejoice in choosing monastic life as the best way to achieve happiness.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 25-2: Ascetic practices

A description and the purposes of 12 ascetic practices that the Buddha allowed.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 21-4: Emptiness of mind

The clear light nature of the mind, transition from the sutra view to the tantric…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 21-3: Buddha nature

How buddha nature is described as the emptiness of the mind, and what that means.

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 21-2: Seeing the buddha in others

Seeing sentient beings as buddhas, a way to control our negative mind but not taking…

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