Search results for “king of prayers

Buddha hand holding a bowl, with a flower inside.
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Practicing the Dharma

In this session discussion revolves around working with illness and attachment, observing and working with…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 34-5: Afflicted views

Being unkind to our own wrong views and an explanation of the afflicted views according…

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Seven-point Mind Training

Advantages of bodhicitta

The two kinds of bodhisattvas, the accumulation of merit, and the need to develop wisdom…

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A man shouting angrily
Manjushri Winter Retreat 2008-09

Dealing with afflictions and illness

Bringing poor health into the path and the practice, and working with attachment and feelings…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 33-4: The kindness of the Three Jewels

Contemplating the kindness of the Buddha and those who practiced and taught through the centuries…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 33-2: The kindness of others

Contemplating the kindness of other sentient beings by considering how we would not be alive…

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