Search results for “king of prayers

Seven-point Mind Training

Transforming adversity into the path

Practical ways to practice mind training, looking at problems as opportunities to practice.

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Stages of the Path in the Guru Puja

The four general characteristics of karma

Observing cause and effect helps to understand the development of positive and negative results.

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Closeup of Ven. Chodron's face while teaching.
Karma and Your Life

Karma and compassion: Part 1 of 2

In her discussion of what the Buddha meant by karma, Venerable Chodron talks about how…

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Venerable Thubten Chodron sitting in meditation position and smiling happily.
Western Monastics

Buddhist education for nuns in Western countries

The ordination and education of nuns in Western countries; Sravasti Abbey as a proving ground…

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Venerable teaching at Thösamling Institute in India.
Monastic Life

How to approach Dharma practice

Practical advice on applying the Dharma in everyday life, making the teachings transform our minds…

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Ice on the case
Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 41: Praising the Buddha

Praising and prostrating to the Buddha and rejoicing when seeing others paying homage or praising…

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Short Verses to Cultivate Bodhicitta

Verse 40-4: Learning

The importance of learning in order to practice meditation and bring the Dharma into our…

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Two women offer hand-made spring rolls.
The Six Perfections

Motivations behind giving

The types of pure and impure giving and the motivations behind them.

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