
Teachings on the mental affliction of attachment, including its causes, disadvantages, and antidotes.

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Venerable Tarpa in a group discussion at the Abbey.
Working with Emotions

Buddhism and therapy

Bringing the Dharma into the practice of Western psychotherapy.

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Cover of Working with Anger.

Subduing anger

Story of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's interaction with a group of Los Angeles inner…

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Living in Community

The purpose of precepts

A talk to the newly ordained about monastic life, a monastic mind, interacting with the…

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Cover of Guided Meditations on the Lamrim Outline booklet.
Guided Meditations

Guided meditations on the lamrim

A step-by-step guide to the meditations associated with the lamrim, the gradual path to enlightenment.

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Guided Meditations

Guided meditations on the lamrim in Spanish

Introduction to the Buddhist view Mind is the source of happiness and pain Mind is…

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A man showing anger and frustration.
Healing Anger

Overcoming anger and frustration

An extensive talk on the causes and effects of anger, including antidotes to anger.

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The Heart Sutra in Chinese carved on marble blocks in a garden in Korea.

Path of accumulation and preparation

What is emptiness? Examining what emptiness means and what is meant when we grasp at…

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Complacency, agitation

Teachings on the afflictions derived from attachment and antidotes to them.

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A nun stands by a lake with open meadow and trees.
Mind and Mental Factors

Reflections on mind training

Sharing personal experiences to highlight the importance of watching our mind.

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