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Cover of Buddhism for Beginners.

Faith based on reason

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's foreword to "Buddhism for Beginners," emphasizing the importance of cultivating…

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Cover of Choosing Simplicity.

Monastic life: a living tradition

The story behind "Choosing Simplicity," a commentary by vinaya master Venerable Bhikshuni Wu Yin on…

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Thangka image of Manjushri

Grasping at inherent existence

A teaching that covers a multitude of topics, including precious human life, two kinds of…

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A man showing anger and frustration.
Healing Anger

Overcoming anger and frustration

An extensive talk on the causes and effects of anger, including antidotes to anger.

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A monk standing in front of a Buddha statue.
Buddhist Worldview

Understanding the mind

A talk about the Buddhist conception of mind, the source of happiness and suffering, and…

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Venerable Chodron and Venerable Tenzin Kacho, standing in front of an altar at Vajrapani Institute in Boulder Creek.
Western Buddhist Monastic Gatherings

The four messengers

The signs of aging, sickness, death, and the spiritual seeker deeply moved Prince Siddhartha, and…

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Blue medicine Buddha with right hand outstretched on his knee and left hand holding an alms bowl with nectar.
Helping the Dying and Deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the deceased

Medicine Buddha practice for the recently deceased differs slightly from the standard practice. Beautiful visualizations…

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Medicine Buddha in a painted representation of the universe.
Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2000

Medicine Buddha vows 9-12

Reflecting on how the vows are relevant to how we choose to act. Skillful ways…

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Medicine Buddha in a painted representation of the universe.
Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2000

Medicine Buddha vow 8

Discussion on the difficulty of women's situation in society, extending to people in weaker positions.…

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Medicine Buddha in a painted representation of the universe.
Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2000

Medicine Buddha vows 5-7

Explaining what it means to keep good ethical discipline, and having compassion for others' suffering.

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Medicine Buddha in a painted representation of the universe.
Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2000

Medicine Buddha vow 4

A commentary on wrong views in society created to justify our own negative qualities.

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Medicine Buddha in a painted representation of the universe.
Medicine Buddha Weeklong Retreat 2000

Medicine Buddha vows 1-3

Explaining the first three of the 12 vows of the Medicine Buddha. Putting our energies…

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